
Persuasive Essay On Snapchat

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In today’s generation, teenagers get emotional when their friend “boxes” them on Snapchat. When someone boxes another person, it means that their picture was opened and they did not receive a response from the person who opened the picture. It almost feels like being boxed is the end of the world. Technology has changed our world immensely. Instead of being concerned for others who have it much worse, many people enjoy complaining about drama that develops behind a thousand dollar screen. After hearing of this “devastation,” I knew this was not right. There are people all over the world who are homeless, being abused, and fighting for our country, while we are here in Sartell, Minnesota complaining about how someone did not Snapchat us back. I am guilty of complaining of this and as a result, I decided to find a way to help someone in need.
Every year at my church, a group of parish members prepare a night for the homeless to spend the night in the church. I believed this was a perfect way to get involved in my community; therefore, I decided to find a way I could help. I brought a meat and cheese tray and interacted with the children that night. One child in particular seemed to like me. The first thing I noticed about her was her innocent brown eyes and subtle smile. I sat with her all night and quietly listened to her while we colored. My new little friend, Jamila, had a story to share with me that I found to be breathtaking.
Jamila was eight at the time and the second

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