
Persuasive Essay On Smartphones

Decent Essays

Let’s be honest, we all want to have the latest phones and apps on our iPhone. Some of us have apps that we used daily during our break time or when we get home. I used most of my iPhone to be on Chrome, YouTube, V Live, Webtoon, and other apps I used daily to keep myself entertain and busy. Why do we all have these latest iPhone and apps on us? Well, the Apple Company’s marketing strategy shows if you choose this iPhone you gain all of these Apps to entertain yourself. Apple’s marketing team allows certain individuals to test out new iPhone that either knows a lot about technology, or uses their Apple products. The marketing found that they achieve by not advertising their new iPhones on television commercials or ads.
What do people want on smartphones? People want apps on their smartphones that will entrain them when they download the game or social media app. Smartphones are full of enjoyable games, social media, and an easier way to accomplish work without using and carrying around computers. These entertaining apps were created by Developers are not from the Apple Company, but rungs their own company. The Developers that runs their own company that goes through competitions against each other. Moreover, the Apple Company’s marketing team allows apps in the Apple App store if the app will be worth to entertain for all ages from little children to elders.
The marketing team would set out guidelines for app developers must complete before submitting their designs and

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