
Persuasive Essay On School Vouchers

Decent Essays

The subject of school vouchers has been an enduring discussion that is currently being argued in spaces from the local school board meetings to the highest courts in some states. The school voucher initiative properly known as the school choice initiatives, it’s one that allow parents and students to choose the educational option or school that is best for them whether it is private or public. The initiative program provides parents and students with certificates that are accepted by the private school to pay for the learning place of the holder’s choice, rather than the funds go to the public school to which they are assigned. As citizens of the United States we enjoy choices and time and again look upon this as rather a positive thing for a citizen of the United States. Being allowed to choose a school of your choice may sound like a sensible initiative on the surface, but when you take a closer look beyond the surface one see serious issues. School choice, though it seems reasonable on the surface turns out to not only be a bad idea; it violates of our US Constitution. With the numerous challenges facing public schools, it’s understandable why many people would be enthusiastic to pursue new paths in education.
Devotees of school choice point out that under the current public school system, parents with economic means already exercise school choice by moving from areas with failing or dangerous schools to neighborhoods with better, safer schools. Their argument is that

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