The biggest problems in schools are food choices. It may seem like a small and insecure decision in life, but it’s bigger than what it seems. Parents, be aware! Two out of three school students who eat school lunches regularly are overweight or obese. According to the unhealthy school lunches statistics released by experts, children who eat school lunches may have higher bad cholesterol than kids who bring their lunch to school. Healthier school lunches could change these problems. These simple changes in our schools menus could lead to many great things like, more energy ,a great life lesson, and most important a chance for healthier life now and the future. Food it’s the main source of where humans get nutrients to power up the body. Most people don't get the nutrients they need from the food they eat because it lacks the proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates the human body needs to function properly. Therefore the inadequacy of energy will make the students unable to do their school work and decreasion of their studies and grades. Not to worry there is a solution , and it's quite simple it is eating healthy. Exactly how do you do that? Well, it's quite straightforward by making a healthier meal plans for schools. We can start by changing the milk with the unhealthy fat to skim milk or a fat free , and changing the sodium percentage in the foods , adding more choices for vegetables and fruits to have natural sugar instead of the chemicals to add fake sweetener.
School lunches are not the epitome of meals in the world. Raising the level of nutritional output would highly increase the healthiness of the student’s body. For example, if a child were to drink only water at school the health benefits would help that student, just by cutting out the sugar and the calorie intake. If schools were to serve grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, the student would not have that extreme carb intake just from the fried part alone. Chicken and vegetables should be the entrée for most school lunches, of course, this does not allow for a great variety of meals, but the healthiness of the students would increase over time and could possibly be the healthiest thing they eat that day, but the only thing that they eat at all. The poverty in Mississippi is abundant, which may mean that children do not get three square meals a day, but maybe only one, which is at school. Therefore, the best way to affect student’s healthiness is by putting good, nutritious, and energizing food on the plate in front of
Have you ever thought why you’re school lunch looks so disgusting? Have you ever thought what it’s actually made of? Or why doesn’t this look like the way I ate it at home? For some schools, lunches lack in many different categories from visual pleasure to taste. If the school lunches taste so bad, why don’t we try another way to make them better. For a school in Greeley, Colorado, they’re doing just that. They’re firing up their stoves and are ready to get the ball rolling. There are many reasons on why the school is taking such a huge step backwards. Like, the routine of buying reheated foods and serving them without hesitation. The schools budget cuts or the kitchen being too old and small for the process of preparing such foods. As well as, the list of ingredients that do not need to be in the foods and the risks of diseases/bacteria in the reheated lunches.
Since 2009 Schools have been improving there healthy choices of food like fresh fruits and salad bars,but those foods take longer to eat (Hellmich). Turning school lunches into an actual sit down meal rather than a feeding frenzy is a good way of improving health (Parker-Pope). Students usually have less than 20 minutes to eat lunch which makes it less likely for them to choose the healthy choice (Elsevier). Kids often like to eat there favorite foods first,not giving them enough time to eat the healthy food (Hellmich). An increase in school lunches could encourage students to eat the healthier choice(5 Elsevier). School nutritionist suggest that students need to have atlas 20 minutes to eat (Hellmich). Research shows that when people consume meals faster they take in more calories because they get hungry sooner (Chen). The shorter lunch periods are starting to lead to more and more obese and overweight kids ( Hellmich). Doctors are saying there are more and more kids getting diabetes and other illnesses due to the lunches and something needs to be done about it
Open Campus lunches something I’m sure that would be able to offer many benefits to all of us, students as well as teachers and staff alike. This would broaden THS meal choices, give some THS staff a more relaxed lunch, and lastly provide a chance to improve the responsibility of students.
When children do not eat a healthy meal, their concentration and energy become more difficult to manage. The “Journal of School Health” issued a study in 2008 about the eating behaviors of approximately 5,000 school children. The research showed that children who ate more fruits and vegetables, accomplished higher grades on tests compared with children who consumed a high-fat, high-salt diet
One in three Americans kids are obese or over weight which is a staggering and alarming rate at the same time. So looking 20 years into the future that number could double if nothing is said and done about what we are eating. The public school food in school lunches are unhealthy for many alarming reasons, but not much can be done immediately due to strict guidelines and budgets that schools must follow. A lot of it goes to kids not exercising, and more time watching TV, or playing on the computer. And now days more families have less time to make nutritious home made meals. So they tend to eat School cafeteria lunches that have minimal nutrition’s and harmful calories. To prevent your kid from being over weight mean adapting what you eat, and having to exercise at least 60 minutes a day. If the changes are made to change school lunches, it can help them from being obese, children can improve their lifestyle choices, and lastly it prevents them from getting harmful diseases.
What if the schools freezer, oven, and everything else they use to cook with just broke? What would you tell the students? What would the students' eat? Well, if we had off campus lunches, then if that problem ever did happen then you have a backup plan. If students didn't have a ride or any money to buy themselves food, then a note would go saying that students should pack a lunch. Off campus lunches are trips that students could take during their lunch to a restaurant, so they can decide what they want to eat. Students at public schools want more freedom and off campus lunches would give them that.
Of all of the problems that dishearten children today, the one that bothers them the most is being unhealthy. Five out of six students from the Manalapan Englishtown Middle School agree that there should be a change in the schools' cafeteria foods; they came up with a solution to help kids be healthy. Unhealthy foods should be eliminated in schools for many reasons. First of all, kids concentrate better when they are healthy. Being healthy helps children to concentrate better because if they are healthy in the inside and the outside, they will not have to worry about their health or how they look. Secondly, having only healthy foods in school help parents to take good care of their kids. For instance, imagine a mom that is a seventh
Another reason healthier changes to school lunches would be a good idea is parents. Parents want to see or know their kids are eating healthy. when Students are coming home and telling their parents they are not feeling good from lunch or not eating school lunches at all because they feel it's bad or it just doesn't appeal to them, than you have to deal with the parents because they are going to complain about their son/daughter not eating the right type of foods or their child not eating at all because of the unhealthy choices the kids are not receiving. also the parents are paying the school to feed their child, so why not feed them right and healthy? My last reason I feel Healthier changes to school lunches is a good idea is more students will eat school lunch because they know they aren't just eating anything that would make them gain weight or they will not feel good from it. not saying the students will not buy the unhealthy food but it will not be good for them and can also lead them to bad eating habits outside of school. Eating healthy inside of school could translate to them eating healthy outside of school, which is great. This being said, I feel
In addition, there is no nutritious value in a single school lunch. Amanda Ray wrote, “Processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt have become a mainstay of lunches in schools across America and the results are in, experts say these unhealthy school lunches are a contributing factor to the childhood obesity epidemic.” This shows that school lunches are absolutely unhealthy and school lunches has increased childhood obesity. It would be smarter if families across the United States would pack a more natural and nutritious school lunch for their student starting at a young age. The high in fat, sugar, or salt cause children to become overweight and very
Off campus Lunch Have you ever wanted lunch that was not from school cafeteria? Today I will talk about off campus lunch. The issue is relevant because most of school lunch food is sometimes bad and expensive. I chose this topic because some people don't like the food the food that is they’re eating in school lunch. I am a credible speaker because of how this issue affects me.
Should schools provide free lunches is the question being asked quite frequently. Over 60 percent of students eat Hot lunch, 30 percent of students´ eat a cold lunch and 10 percent of students don't even eat any kind of lunch at all. For the student that do eat hot lunch 80 percent of student are accepted for a deducted priced lunch and over 70 percent of students are eligible for free lunches. With this kind of information we know it's not a huge deal ,but it is definitely something to keep in mind. In spite of the fact that most Kids that do eat hot lunches at school their parents pay for their lunches. In the following statements I will explain why It would be easier for the taxpayers to pay for school lunches and why Students need free
While studies have and will always continue to be conducted all over the world regarding school lunch programs and their effect on children’s health, one study in the Michigan area concluded some alarming statistics. Children who ate school lunch compared to children who did not eat school lunch were more likely to be overweight, and have higher levels of cholesterol
The problem is that kids don’t know the dangers of eating unhealthy food. In a quote said by Bittman that by “improving our diet it can improve our health and save tens of millions of lives”(Bittman 75). Just by changing the school lunch into healthy things it could change many lives. To get more healthy food the school can work with farmers and grocery stores to get more healthy food. Even though school serves some health food it may not be that fresh, and we need, to take more action to it. Also send a letter to the parents to help encourage their child's eating habit. To make school lunch more healthy take-out unhealthy snacks and drinks then put water. Jane Brody said that “It's a $24 billion industry just for kids alone”(Dr. Gortmaker 82). By encouraging good eating, it could help bring down the company that doesn’t care about people's health and just about money. “A 20% tax increase of
Better nutrition in schools is critical being students will eat food that is better for them. Research shows students that eat school meals are more likely to obtain a healthier weight than students that bring a lunch if the school abide National School lunch program (NSLP). This shows that school lunch is healthier by