
Persuasive Essay On Racism In Sports

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Racism is prevalent in today’s society and is exposed in the sports industry as well. Various athletes in different sports field experience racism and face it everyday. Social media is a big platform for people to criticize athletes for their failures and success. On the other hand more times than not, racism can be found within the head of organizations of major sports, most noticeably football. The NFL has condoned an abundance of racist actions towards players of Hispanic and African American descent; therefore, the NFL should stop these problems by supporting athletes that take a stand, holding the NFL owners accountable for their actions, and finally, not stereotyping young black athletes into a position based off of racial factors. An organization like the NFL needs to support their athletes when they decide to exercise their 1st amendment rights. For example, a current event that has ravished the mainstream media would be over the controversy with Colin Kaepernick. There are 64 quarterbacks total in the NFL at the time, Kaepernick not being one of them. At the end of the season Kaepernick had a passer rating of 90.7 “(ESPN, 2016)”. That was better than ten starting quarterbacks in the league at that time. Also, to add to his resume he only threw four interceptions during the season. His stats prove that he’s a proven NFL starter and his trip to the Superbowl in 2013 are examples of why he should be added to any NFL roster. Why isn’t he on a roster? It’s primarily

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