
Persuasive Essay On Poverty

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One of the most disputed topics in politics today, is how unemployment will be lowered. Among the four the articles to presented “The War Against the Poor Instead of Programs to End Poverty”, by Herbert Gans, “Culture of Success”, by Brink Lindsey, “Born Poor and Smart”, by Angela Locke, and “A Great Time to Be Alive?”, by Matt Yglesias, Gans’ article and Yglesias’ article does the best elaborating what has caused poverty, the misconceptions of the impoverished and how we can solve this exponential problem. While, Lindsey’s and Locke’s articles provide little to no beneficial information on how to solve the poverty rate, and only elaborate how this problem is occurring. Gans’ and Yglesias’ articles have shown that they are significantly more informational and enhance their articles with better claims and evidence than Lindsey’s and Locke’s articles. Herbert J. Gans was a professor of sociology at Columbia University from 1971 to 2007. Gans has also written numerous articles and books on the subject of poverty. Including “The Urban Villagers”, “The Levittowners”, “People Plan”, and an abundance of other articles and books. In this article, Gans discusses how lowing unemployment will decrease the amount of citizens that are in poverty in “The War On the Poor Instead of Programs to End Poverty”. First, Gans states that America’s politicians are the problem for the overwhelming amount of citizens that are in poverty, (346). Gans further states that the middle-class is the

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