
Persuasive Essay On Organ Donation

Decent Essays

Organ donation is the only current way for humans to survive when they have vital organs that are shutting down. In today’s society, people can donate blood, a kidney, and part of their liver while they are still alive. People also make the decision whether they would like to have their vital organs donated after they have passed away if they are still viable organs. There has been much debate about whether people or their families should be able to receive financial compensation for organs that they are giving to someone else to save their lives. I do not believe that financial compensation should be given to living donors that are willing to sell their organs because this commodifies the body and undermines human dignity. I believe that the process of organ and blood donation should function on volunteerism to ensure that people are not donating organs for the wrong reasons. College students may sell organs while they are in tight situations with money so that they have the extra money to pay for school and partying but they may not have the best family history with diseases that may cause them to need an organ transplant one day. This is dangerous because the person donating the organ may not have needed a transplant later in life had they had both kidneys that were of average function. It can also cause problems for the person that is receiving the organ because if they have the organ for a long time and it begins to shut down they will have to go back on the organ donation list. The payment for organs can also create a larger issue with the black market. If everyone eligible to be an organ donor actually had their organs donated, the shortage of organs would be greatly diminished. Blood donation are very similar as well because many people do not even try to donate blood due to a fear of needles.
By allowing people to sell their organs, we are putting a monetary price on human life, which goes against Kantian ideals. The sale of human organs diminishes human dignity because it is putting a value on human organs (Cohen 48). The sale of organs will allow for people who are not at the top of the donor list to receive an organ due to the ability of a person to have a direct donation to a person.

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