
Persuasive Essay On Obesity

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Obesity! Many people struggle with it. Many people have loved ones who struggle with it. It is a struggle. Obesity is defined as a body mass index of 30.0 or greater (consistent with criteria of the World Health Organization), or about 30 pounds or more overweight. Extreme obesity is defined as a BMI of 40 or greater. It can simply be defined as too much body fat. A researcher at Texas Children Hospital states that “approximately 19 percent of youths aged 6 to 11 are overweight, and that 80 percent of overweight adolescents become obese adults. This is because obesity has become so normal and excepted in our society.” There are children fighting this disorder from all walks of life. Lindsey Tomas from Houston, Texas says she remembers when she first realized that her son, Cameron was obese. “He uses to love to play football. I started to realize that when he played, he got out of breath really fast and then he stopped playing all together. That sent up the flag and I went to the doctor. That’s when the red flag went up” People sometimes fail to realize how serious obesity is. Obesity is an epidemic that is rapidly growing and must be stopped. Obesity can be caused by many factors such as genetics, steroids in food, medication, a lack of exercise and unbalanced diets. Lack of exercise can not only cause obesity but, can also cause other health problems. Eighty percent of obese 10- to 14-year-olds will likely grow into obese adults due to lack of exercise,

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