
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The Legalization of Marijuana
Research Question: In the United States during the 21st century, should marijuana be legalized for recreational use for people over the age of 21? The legalization of Marijuana; Weed, Mary Jane, Bud, whatever the person may call it, is a highly debated topic in the United States. There is no doubt that marijuana has a bad reputation in society. Marijuana is a shredded mixture of dried flowers, stems, and leaves from a plant called Cannabis Sativa. The main chemical found in marijuana is called THC, which causes a “high” when it connects to nerve receptors in the brain . The side effects, like most drugs, are temporary, and if used responsibly, harmless. People who consume marijuana stereotypically are lazy, uneducated burnouts. As society becomes more educated about the drug, they will find out that marijuana is more than just a drug for the potheads. Marijuana currently is legal for medical use in 23 states and legalized for recreational use in four. If marijuana is legalized it can be limited to people over the age of 21, when the human body and brain has fully developed. It can be used to help relieve stress and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Medically, it can, and is, used to treat Alzheimer's and Glaucoma, and relieves …show more content…

There are people against the use of marijuana, for different reasons that are not plausible. A common misconception is that marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs, such as cocaine, heroine, or meth. It is proven that alcohol, which is legal, is more of a gateway drug than marijuana. Also, the fact of the matter is that the marijuana is not the problem, is is the people who deal marijuana that typically sell other drugs, harder drugs, because marijuana is not addictive and people will stop buying if offered a better drug. Therefore if it is sold in stores, customers will not be offered worse drugs, it will simply be a marijuana

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