
Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

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Have you ever wondered what could happen if marijuana was legalized? There are many laws in the United States that make this drug illegal to use and possess. However, if this was legal the number of arrests would decrease and it could help that state increase revenue. This product is currently sold without any taxes and no regulations on how strong the drug should be. The people and states are not benefiting from having this drug sold on the streets. By making this drug legal it could help to decrease the number of people who purchase this drug illegally to help with a medical issue.
Free markets are an interest concept of what can happen when there are not government controls in place or the controls are not working the way it was supposed to. One of the markets that needs to be addressed would be marijuana. The current regulations that are in place in most States show that this drug is illegal and can place a person in jail for having it in their possession. In the United States 643,121 people were arrested in 2015 for breaking the marijuana law, of this number 89 percent of these people were only in possession of the drug. The person was not trying to sell it but it was for their own use. The annual cost to fight the war on drugs is $51,000,000,000. By legalizing marijuana, it would help to free up space in the penitentiaries and the amount of money spent to fight the war on this drug would help decrease the overall yearly budget. The money that is saved on this expenditure could be used in a different way to help better the communities and the country overall (Drug Policy Alliance, 2017).
Marijuana has medical benefits that cannot be used due to the risk of being put in jail for possession. This drug can be used to treat different eating disorders. This is due to the drugs effect on increasing the person’s appetite. Another medical use for this drug is for pain management. This could help people that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, spinal injuries, and nerve pain. Other diseases that this drug could treat would be Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, migraines, and cancer (, 2017). By offering this as an alternative to other medicines, patients could save a little bit of money. Treating some

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