The legalization of marijuana has been a highly debated and controversial subject for the past century. Up until the early twentieth century, marijuana was cultivated and used widely throughout the U.S. for both medical and industrial purposes. Beginning in the early twentieth, the taboo of marijuana became popularized due the sensationalized reports of Mexican immigrants smoking marijuana and becoming violent with superhuman strength. This led to the U.S. federal government imposing a prohibition on the cultivation and possession of marijuana that is still in use today. Currently, nine states have or are set to fully legalize marijuana within the next year for both recreational and medical use, with twenty states legalizing the possession of medical marijuana.Despite the legalization of marijuana in multiple states, the federal government has yet to pass any form of law legalizing or decriminalizing the use of marijuana. This failure by our government has snuffed out the potential benefits that legalized marijuana can provide. Legalizing marijuana in the U.S. can provide a safer alternative to alcohol and tobacco, marijuana can provide health benefits to citizens who suffer from illnesses such as cancer or depression, and marijuana can provide benefits to the federal government by providing jobs and new industries. As with most consumable products, marijuana has health benefits along with qualities that can be detrimental to one’s health. These detriments are fuel to the
The Detroit Free Press Editorial Board’s Article Let the people decide about legalizing marijuana(2016) was an attempt to convince readers that Michigan Legislature is currently a “dysfunctional waste,” determined to keep Marijuana legalization off the ballots.The Press got their opinion across by using uncredited polls, tugging at the reader's emotions when describing both parties, and overall biased tone with underlying motives. The author uses pathos, ethos, and logos very effectively when trying to persuade the reader. Pathos is being used when the author attempts to appeal to our emotions while trying to pity MILegalize. Logos is being used when the authors tries to connect with our common sense in order to persuade by reason. Lastly ethos is being used when the author attempts to sway our opinion of michigan legislature, but altering our view of their character and morals.This article was written with intentions to get voters riled up, discredit the michigan legislature and provoke change within the court systems. The Editorial Board only presented their side of the argument, concluding they are targeting left-wing moderates that are for the legalization of marijuana.
The word “cannabis”, most commonly known as weed, has rose the brow of Americans everywhere and has been the topic for debate for decades now. Those that oppose the use of the plant believe it is used to smoke, but there are many positive aspects which have been proven to result from its use. For example it is proven that marijuana is less dangerous to the human body than alcohol and tobacco products. As a result, most believe that the legalization of cannabis will drastically decrease the crime in our cities and form a more productive society thought its wide variety of uses.
To blaze or not to blaze? The legalization of marijuana is a key component in the development of our society. It comes with medical benefits, saves government funds, and creates a safer community for our people.
The dispute regarding weed, more formally known as Cannabis Sativa, has been a topic of discussion throughout the years as people can’t seem to come to a conclusion about it. One side of the argument claims that people are addicted to this drug and its destroying brain cells of the users, and other people claim it not to be as overbearing as other drugs and it is harmless to use. Upon further research the answer is simple. Weed indeed proves to be beneficial and should not be prohibited or illegal. Society shames Cannabis smokers because it is inhaled the same way as tobacco, and those that are against it have developed the notion that it is bad for people’s health. However, society fails to realize that Marijuana's effects are helpful and not any different from any other drug as it fights off illnesses, lacks addictive chemicals and qualities, can be used productively, and legalization makes it challenging for children to obtain it.
Growing up everyone is told that drugs are bad for you time and time again. Now being a child you don't really understand why, but you respect the authority regardless. Many remember being told this relentlessly through their childhood as well as their journey through the educational system. But as people got older they realize that people will still use drugs even though it's illegal. Who could ever understand why a person would go against the law and jeopardize their life to abuse a drug? The drug that I’m specifically referring to is marijuana, and surprisingly it is all around us. Marijuana is even known to in today’s media sources that the drug has become a mainstream trend to enjoy, like music, and movies. Marijuana demonstrates clear cut evidence that use of the substance can cause health benefits.
Carl Sagan once said in an anonymous essay, “The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world” (Ingraham). For decades, the prohibition of marijuana has negatively affected residents in the United States, from long prison sentences to missed tax income opportunities. The legalization of recreational marijuana would benefit both users and non-users of the drug in the United States.
rise to organized crime, and people continued to drink alcohol anyway. Being already ingrained in American culture, it was impossible to completely enforce the banning of alcohol. Nowadays the issue of the legalization is back on the table. Prohibition of marijuana reflects the issue of alcohol in the past. The end to prohibition of alcohol led to the employment of over a million, stimulation industry and agriculture, and put an end to a large sector of organized crime. In the same way as alcohol was in the 1920’s, marijuana is illegal in most places in the United States. History repeats itself, and the same mistakes are made. We know why prohibition doesn't work yet we continue this. Along with this many don't realize the truth. There are too many misconceptions that need to be cleared. Marijuana needs to legalized in the United States for recreational and medical use, as it would reduce the money spent on ineffective and often racially biased patrolling. Let's take steps to relieving the country of our flawed criminal justice system. Let's allow Americans to reap the benefits of a substance without punishment.
Weed, an outbreak that was quick to be accepted into our society today originated back in 2737 B.C. It initially was used as a medical tool for the Chinese, helping with pain and used to help achieve a state of euphoria. 4,700 years later we are using the same drug, well almost. This drug has come back new and improved giving you a “better high”, and a more severe addiction. Although it has been medically proven that being addicted to THC itself is impossible, it’s the euphoric feeling that gets people hooked; the flooding of dopamine in your system is what gets you addicted. Marijuana has made a massive comeback with Washington and Oregon legalizing the use of recreational marijuana. These are not the first states to take this horrid step, Colorado, Alaska, California, Massachusetts, and Nevada have all taken on the dangerous epidemic of legalizing this drug. Trying to be cautious of the side effects legalization has on the economy the state government has set the legal age to smoke, sell, and grow at twenty one in hopes of avoiding marijuana use in teens. Despite these standards being more or less suitable, they are not powerful enough to help evade the usage rate in younger age groups. This rate is known to increase when marijuana is legalized. The Governors seem to think that just because the legal age to smoke is twenty one, that the use of weed in younger age groups of kids will not be evident. This statement has time and time again proven to be wrong on most fronts.
The legalization of marijuana in the United States has become a controversial debate in the political system and in the community debating over its economic effects and the exposed of drugs to citizens. Cartels are one of the major groups of people that benefit from the marketing of drugs. Texas is one of the most affected states because of its accessibility to the border, therefore it will be beneficial for Texas to legalize marijuana because it will decline crime rates. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that the genetic makeup of marijuana is healthier than tobacco. Medical marijuana has many benefits to it including the cure to major diseases such as cancer and epileptic attacks. Furthermore, it can also improve the economy and decline drug crimes.
Governor Davis supports legalization of drugs. There are drugs that she would legalize but she is only focused on one drug. During her political speech, she announced that there would be a certain amount that a person should carry before being arrested. Governor Davis stated that the citizens would benefit from her decision to legalize the drug. Legalization of drugs has impacted several states. When governor Davis approves this law, the citizens that suffer from drug dependencies will receive state funded treatment for them to better themselves.
The topic of drugs can be a very dismal one. We have the opioid crisis, antibiotics creating superbugs and the worry over whether or not the world will have enough rainforests in the future to create future medicines. On social media feeds or on the TV news, it seems drugs are no good. While this appears to be a dark cloud of gloom and doom, marijuana is the silver lining. That is why I support the legalization of marijuana.
Marijuana is the most widely used prohibited substance in America. Due to the increasing public view and acceptance of marijuana use recreationally and ineffectiveness of the current regulations in America, the issue surrounding legalizing this prohibited drug has received substantial public and political attention in recent years. Tax revenue could increase through taxation levied on marijuana products with its legalization and the Government could also save tax payer dollars currently being spent on marijuana regulation enforcement. Furthermore, the criminal element from the marijuana market could also remove through legalization. The legalization would reduce the size of America’s black market and its ramification for the society, also reducing the jail population. According to Timothy Williams, with marijuana use on the rise, law enforcement agencies made 574,641 arrests last year for small quantities of the drug intended for personal use, according to the report, which was released by the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch. The marijuana arrests were about 13.6 percent more than the 505,681 arrests made for all violent crimes, including murder, rape and serious assaults. Yet, it may also lead to some issues within health problems, such as increasing accidents and injuries due to the use of the drug. The legalization should be followed with all-inclusive policies to prevent the drug from being in the hands of minors while increasing understanding and
Lately news headlines have been flooded with stories of different opinions on the legalization of marijuana. This is an issue I feel strongly about because there are many hidden benefits that this plant has to offer such as helping individuals deal with anxiety while contributing immensely to our economy. The legalization of marijuana seems to run into a ton of road blocks due to many outside factors that make it look like an addictive drug rather than a helpful medicine, with cartels fighting to control the drug trade all around the world it is looked down upon
In the United States, twenty-one states have no laws on legal marijuana use, even for medicinal marijuana. Another twenty-one have legalized marijuana for medical use only. As for the other eight, those states have legalized the use marijuana for medicinal and recreational. The states that fully legalized marijuana have seen a boost in the economy due to taxes from marijuana sales. Along with helping the economy, marijuana proves to provide medical aid for illnesses, such as cancer and Parkinson’s Disease. The legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational use will be a benefit to society.
3.6 billion is how many tax payer dollars are spent each year enforcing marijuana prohibition laws in the United States, according to an article published by the Washington Post in 2016. This is a substantial amount of money being spent on a substance that has never killed anyone. Not only has no one ever fatally overdosed on marijuana but it also has many medicinal uses. In the past few years we have seen economies thrive in states that have legalized recreational marijuana, bringing in millions of dollars in tax revenue. But for the people who are not fortunate enough to live in a state that has legalized recreational marijuana, getting caught with the substance can potentially ruin your life and even put you in prison or jail. In the United States we allow easy access to a substance that can cause multiple types of cancer but make it difficult and illegal to obtain a substance that can fight and kill cancer cells, with that being said I believe the time has come to end the federal prohibition of marijuana.