
Persuasive Essay On Legalization Of Marijuana

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The legalization of marijuana has been a highly debated and controversial subject for the past century. Up until the early twentieth century, marijuana was cultivated and used widely throughout the U.S. for both medical and industrial purposes. Beginning in the early twentieth, the taboo of marijuana became popularized due the sensationalized reports of Mexican immigrants smoking marijuana and becoming violent with superhuman strength. This led to the U.S. federal government imposing a prohibition on the cultivation and possession of marijuana that is still in use today. Currently, nine states have or are set to fully legalize marijuana within the next year for both recreational and medical use, with twenty states legalizing the possession of medical marijuana.Despite the legalization of marijuana in multiple states, the federal government has yet to pass any form of law legalizing or decriminalizing the use of marijuana. This failure by our government has snuffed out the potential benefits that legalized marijuana can provide. Legalizing marijuana in the U.S. can provide a safer alternative to alcohol and tobacco, marijuana can provide health benefits to citizens who suffer from illnesses such as cancer or depression, and marijuana can provide benefits to the federal government by providing jobs and new industries. As with most consumable products, marijuana has health benefits along with qualities that can be detrimental to one’s health. These detriments are fuel to the

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