
Research Paper On Kid Jaywalking

Decent Essays

As people think that jaywalking or running a stop sign, driving while on the phone something like that, they think it is not that big of a deal as rape or auto-theft even murder. Some people say “oh it is not going to hurt someone or I will see that person if they are jaywalking or see that person that ran the stop sign I will stop for the stop sign runner and honk my horn.” What most people do not know is that it is still illegal to do that stuff just as much as grand theft-auto, because what if you do not see a kid jaywalking but he definitely sees the car a while back. What if the kid does not know a person need to look at your stereo for about 1 second then BOOM BANG the have crashed into the kid who jaywalked, but he is still alive just …show more content…

No no they will not, because what if that one person is trying to escape someone or trying to run out from the cops, then that person will not be like, “Oh yea hold guys this guy right here is trying to cross the street when he could have just used the crosswalk or just waited can we wait for his/her safe passing that would be so great and thankful.” No they will just keep on driving. People driving under the influence or a DUI as it is referred to will not stop they will try to but nope. Consumers of automobiles will mostly try to explain why they could not stop for the kid or that they tried to. People have died even in crosswalks why, because people just have somewhere so important so be that they are like “screw it I have taken prescription medication or I only had a few beers I am good to drive and I know I will not hit anyone”. But you never

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