
Persuasive Essay On Gun Safety

Decent Essays

Gun safety is like a baby, it grows with each person not knowing much when they come into the gun world. When people enter into the gun ownership world it is a world completely different then what they are used to. To get to the point of safe gun safety they have to go though some training to get approved to carry a firearm. Once some people get to the level where they have learned a little they get a big head and turn into a know it all. Some will say people act like teenagers thinking they know everything and won’t listen to anyone. This is where the troubles start to set in for the gun community. The worst thing you can have is people acting like they know what they are doing but really don’t. People like this can put lives in danger. America has the largest number of gun owners in the world (cnn) and with this many owners poor handling is almost certain. “In 2010, slightly more than one out of five Americans reported personally owning a gun” ( porquest). With the number on gun owners on the rise it seems as if the number of accidental shootings have also increased due to the lack of training and humbleness around firearms. This number is a large factor in a push for larger steps in training for gun owners. Having most of the media against guns they can use these numbers to make the gun world look even worst then they already do. With all the bad light on the gun world the best thing people within can do is make sure they follow all safety steps. The number of gun

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