
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

Decent Essays

Over the past two decades, gun control has raised controversy upon the American people and changed the way people foresee firearms. Most of these controversies still continue to be brought up today. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (Brooks np).” In January of 2016, Obama stated his gun control plan that would more strictly enforce existing laws including firearms (Smith np). People deserve the right to have firearms for the ability to protect, defend, and entertain themselves and others. The biggest controversy, including firearms is the way people are introduced and informed about them. People are given the thought that “guns kill people,” when in all reality, “people kill people.” Although there are around 10,000 people killed in the United States each year from firearms, guns are not the main conflict in the killings, the people behind the guns are (Brooks np). Militia is a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call in an emergency or a body of citizens organized for military service. Based off of the Second Amendment, “militia,” refers to the armies and individual people and stating that both groups and individuals have the right to bear arms. Around 73 percent of American people believe that this amendment guarantees individual people the right to own guns, including myself (Jones np). When the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, the word “militia,” was described as the right for every citizen to own guns, free of government regulations, and protection from danger (Lund and Winkler np). The National Rifle Association takes the side of individual rights and clarifies that the Second Amendment gives all citizens and the militia members the right to own guns. From the start of the Second Amendment to present day, the amendment is divided into two different sides based off of American views. One side, is the correct side, individual people and members of a militia both are given the right to own and protect with firearms. The other side, is the wrong side, members of a militia are the only people granted the right to

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