
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Imagine you just bought tickets to your absolute favorite artist. You probably invited your best friend or your significant other. You plan everything out down to your outfit, you get there, you find your seats, and then the artist walks on stage and the crowd goes wild. You are having the time of your life and so is the 8-year-old girl in front of you who came with her dad. Then you hear something strange; The artist stops singing and runs off stage. Someone has a gun; Shots are firing everywhere. People are bleeding and dropping dead and screaming for help. You hear about terrible things like this happening all the time, but you never think it would happen to you. What if this was you at the concert? Would that change your mind about gun …show more content…

He said he hoped that law enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could martyr himself.” (James Comey, FBI) You would think that buying 30 guns over the course of a year or making disturbing comments about terrorism would make officials watch over someone like a hawk so that they wouldn’t be able to perform such awful acts. The main reason we can’t enforce stricter gun laws is that half of the country wants guns while the other half does not (Cook 6) When asked why we need guns, some citizens say that they need guns to hunt. However, to go hunting you do not need a huge automatic gun. You simply need a shot gun. Shot guns are much slower than automatic guns. Another reason citizens claim to want guns is for protection (Cook 36) Some people carry a gun on them in case someone tries to harm them. The majority of the guns used in these conditions are small handguns. (Winkler 8) This means we could refrain from taking guns away all together and just try to cut out the more advanced and harmful guns. Since terrible things like this do happen we are forced to search for ways to prevent them. Gun laws vary by state, just like driver’s license. Some of the requirements include that you not be a felon or have any history in a mental institution. Some other requirements are that you must be 21 years old, and cannot be taking any strong

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