
Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control is a creation of laws to prevent people from owning certain types of firearms and also to ensure that guns are not owned by the criminal minded people but by the people who are helpless against crime. The restriction and availability of guns and firearms has become political and social issue in American society. Gun control has become a controversial issue which is hard to enforce over a long period of time. Many of the research studies and surveys have found that the majority of Americans agree with the constitutional right to own a gun and also agree with the enforcement of gun control law. Gun control is necessary to reduce the chances of firearms getting into the hands of unstable and violent people. To reduce this, government has to enforce stricter laws on gun ownership, gun trafficking, create a mental health support system and educate in second amendment. In most of the populated cities of America, the elderly and females are the victims of rape, robbery, and murder. This happens because many states cut funding and close mental health centers. Early release program for the prisoners closing the prisons has raised the murder rate in Chicago. For example, guns allow the weaker individual to fight the stronger; they allow violence to be committed from a distance. When some have a gun, the question of how they respond to a situation changes for better or worse, because they have an option that they did not have before. The registration of guns and owners is main problem of gun control. It is easy for people to obtain dangerous weapons without registration because they do not need licenses. Even children are free to buy guns and commit crime easily. People can see the problem by looking at two recent gun-related tragedies. The tragedies occurred in Newtown, Connecticut and Aurora, Colorado that can help to analyze this idea. Both gunmen killed lots of innocent adults and children. Both of these mass killings involved guns that were neither bought by nor registered to the shooters. It was bought by their parents rather they are export in by the approve register owner. So, the registration of the guns and owners are necessary. Background checks from the National Instant Criminal Background

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