Gym Class Not Worthy of a Grade
18% of high school kids are obese and this figure continues to grow. How are they ever going to earn a satisfactory GPA, if they can't participate in gym? Most gym classes grade people on the amount of pushups or sit-ups they can do. If someone misses school for a couple of weeks, they are required to run 8 laps each day just to make up for their absence. This is ridiculous and very unfair for many students. For these reasons, phy ed grades should not affect a high school student’s GPA. To begin, although gym helps many careless students excel and receive A’s, GPAs should not be based on physical fitness. To earn good grades, students should be driven to study and do homework. The problem with phy ed is there’s rarely ever any homework or tests. In addition, grades in
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Therefore, they need to do more homework and tests than all the other students. Handicapped people can’t engage with everyone else in phy ed, so they can get bored and may not enjoy it. Some gym teachers make the disabled do laps around the track, while everyone else is having fun playing a team sport. Thus, Phy Ed class should be graded on only how hard a person tries, so it allows every person a chance of achieving an A. Gym teachers should not grade kids on their physical fitness at all. Last, phy ed should just be a pass or fail class. Many colleges don't look at the high school gym grade, so why have it count towards GPA? Grades in every other class are about how well a student studies and understands a subject, except for gym class. Since there are rarely tests or quizzes, it should not be graded at all. Gym class may help with childhood obesity, but should be a class where students have the choice to do whatever they feel like, in terms of physical activity. If gym was this type of class, it may encourage students to be more active, which ultimately should be the
I personally do not agree with grades in gym classes affecting students’ grade point averages. I believe that gym class should be strictly for fun. There are many students who are not very athletic. Many females do not enjoy playing sports or running a mile. I do not think it is fair that schools make their students run a full mile, time them on it, and grade them on their times. Certain students are not great runners and the fact that they can fail because they did not finish running a mile in the “right” amount of time is horrible. There is no right amount of time to run a mile. Everybody is different and no two people can run a mile in the same number of seconds. So why are
If students are learning lifestyle tips, then gym should count toward GPA. Secondly, gym class provides an excellent opportunity to exercise in schools. Without physical education, students would sit around for eight hours a day and sitting too much could lead to major health issues in the future. Then, if physical education is removed as a counting course, students will no longer want to exercise. Another reason gym should not be removed as a counting course is because students will skip and not try in the class.
Physical education classes are not enjoyed by all, in fact, some students do their best to get out of the class each day, but without this class, students would sit in school for seven hours a day with the only exercise being walking from class to class. While changing clothes and possibly getting sweaty may not seem productive for students who have spent an hour doing their hair, or feel awkward changing in front of others, this class provides positive ways of fighting obesity, releasing energy, retaining more academically, and learning discipline. Thus, students should be required to take physical education courses in high school.
Who would want a lower GPA just because of their gym grade? Gym grades should not affect a student’s GPA because school is a place to learn, it is a way for students to get bullied, and students need exercise but by the time they are in middle and high school they should be responsible enough to get enough exercise. Therefore gym should be optional and not count towards a student’s GPA.
First of all, athletes could get injured in gym class. 150% of athletes get injured and are not able to play the sports they love, just because of gym. Therefore athletes could perhaps run into something and get a concussion, which could also lead into not being able to come to school. Education classes outweigh the risks “ being healthy and underweight does not have to hurt”. You would not want to be hurt would you.
Gym grades should not be considered in a student’s GPA because multiple factors control how well you do. Heredity plays a huge factor. You are born with bountiful athletic talent the same way you are born with brown eyes or blond hair. It is just physically improbable for some students, who have no part in controlling their genes, to reach the high benchmarks set for Gym. Similarly, experience can also affect a student’s abilities. The person who has been playing soccer since they could walk and the person who
Many students have the intention of going to the gym all the time in college, but then they realize how much homework they have and begin to skip the gym. However, they might think twice if they knew that students who go to the gym have a higher average GPA than those who
Purpose: To convince the audience that, a grade of gym should not be counted, as it might affect the overall grade for the majority of students.
Historically, letter grades have served as a tool to rate educational intelligence. By looking at the progression of a student’s grades over time, people are able to determine whether or not the students are developing skills in certain areas. Using a one letter grade to determine progress has received many critiques as a common system used in America’s education. Critics claim letter grades cause students motivation and creativity to decrease because grades shift students focus from learning the material to obtaining a good grade.
At one time, the American physical education programs were producing strong bodied and strong willed children. The common gymnasium was no less than an arena for students to release pent-up energy and to display their physical abilities. High schools were churning out more top-notch athletes than colleges knew what to do with and the gym soon turned into the Olympics for some. America was a force to be reckoned with and it made sure the rest of the world felt the strength of its young people. However, America is now in the worst physical shape it has ever been in and things seems to be getting worse for the future generations. Physical health has taken a backseat when it comes to higher education in recent years. With many middle schools and high schools cutting physical education programs due to a lack of funding and a greater focus on academic
class. Study hall would benefit the student very well especially because students including myself are stressed out about having the time to finish homework and get better grades trying to juggle school and sports. In addition class sizes would be smaller which would benefit both gym teachers and non-athlete students in some ways. Smaller class sizes help the non-athletes learn more about fitness and staying healthy and have more one on one time with gym teachers. Amy Williams, a guidance counselor at Reynolds high school stated “Having athletes not present during gym gives the teacher more one on one time with other students, and they also don't have to worry about the students who complain and say, “We know how to do this already.” Exempting student athletes from P.E. can benefit the student athletes, non-student athletes and the P.E. teachers all in one (Athletes).
Physical education should be a fun class, but fun does not have to mean chaos. I believe in a structure that will allow the students to have fun in a safe way. My lesson plans will be structured so that students are constantly engaged in physical activity. I feel that if I can keep students moving and learning, then the chances of misbehavior will decrease. In elementary school I feel that Instant Activities should be used to get students moving when they get into my class. High school is a little different. I feel that students at the secondary school level should be introduced physical fitness activities that will help keep them in shape later on in life.
Have you ever wanted to be on a high school sports team? Well, now it’s getting harder for students with a low GPA to stay on these teams because schools are choosing to raise the GPA on student athletes hoping to see more graduates, and higher test scores. But raising the standard would be a horrible idea because for some students sports are the only thing keeping them in school. But also without a sport, these students could get frustrated or depressed and start doing things so many people tell them not to.
Students GPA and grade should go down because of gym class. Gym is about getting active and trying hard. Students need to dress out everyday they have gym. They also need to participate in the activity we are doing. They need to try hard during fall/spring training. If they don’t do those any three things, they should get less points that day. It is a required class, so it should be counted toward students grade and GPA.
For anyone who plays a sport grades aren’t a priority, but that can be changed with just a few adjustments. In an article Amanda Ripley published called “Yes it’s Time to Scale Back” she stated last fall only 50% of students passed their classes at Premont, but after canceling athletics, there was a 30% increase in students passing their classes (Ripley 10). An example of this is, a former football player from Premont,he says that “he never got behind on work” after the cancellation of football (Ripley 10). This shows, that America's academics have been missing something, due to extensive research, we now know how to fix it permanently, with no distractions, and good teachers, children can achieve anything. Our education is major in our everyday lives, it has the power of saying what type of job we get, so it is important that schools are providing information for students to succeed in life.