
Persuasive Essay On Gender Equality

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We all as human beings deserve gender equality, equal rights and we need to be unified as one. What I mean by that is, it is too much hate already going on in this world and we do not need anymore of it. We all need to love and respect each other no matter what. No matter race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, creed or ethnicity we, all need to love one another like brothers and sisters. If you do not agree with who a person chooses to be, the least you can do is respect their decision. Women and men should be treated equally as well. If they are in the same work place they should be getting equal pay. We all bleed the same, so their should not be a reason to be treated differently from each other. Over, the years woman and men had very different roles to play in society. Women in the past were expected to cook and clean and take care of the children, while men would go to work bring home the money and discipline the children. Now “Women have virtually all professional and social roles, including those once dominated by men, and men have taken on many roles, such as raising a child, that were formerly occupied mostly by women”(Living With Diversity 9.2). Roles have been switched in the this society of men and women working. Women and men should be allowed to work in whichever workforce that they choose. No one should be afraid to say what they want to accomplish in the future. If a woman wants to be a firefighter she should be able to do that without anyones remarks. It

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