
Persuasive Essay On Fur Slaughtering

Decent Essays

According to Born Free USA, more than fifty million animals a year are violently killed and used for fashion. What do you think of when you think of an animal being used for “fashion”? Animals of all sorts are being raised to where they are big enough to be killed and used for their fur and their skin to make all kinds of clothing including coats, socks and pants. At least fifty million animals are used for that EVERY YEAR. Fifty million doesn’t seem like a significant amount, considering how many animals there are in the world. That is about 136,000 animals being slaughtered every day for their skin. Consider all types of animals, not just house pets; bears, tigers, deer, birds and water animals. Think about all the animals that get put down and day or when people hunt how many animals are killed or animals accidentally hit by a car a year. Add that number to the number of animals slaughtered a year for their skin. That is a LARGE number, larger than the number of people purposely killed a year. …show more content…

Fur farming is when someone raises or breeds certain types of animals for their skin, fur or both. Approximately eighty to eighty five percent of the fur from these animals come from a fur industry, filthy places where thousands and thousands of animals are kept all over the world. In each fur industry there are about three to four thousands animal kept in small, tiny, wire cages, constantly fight for their lives amongst many others. With no food or water to share. The fur industry makes up for over a quarter of the animals we use for regular food, clothing and other purposes each

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