
Persuasive Essay On Fraking

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I found some information on the on gas drilling also called fraking. Fraking is a process that injects large amounts of water, sand, and chemicals into the rock so it can break up rock formations and releases the natural gas. During the fraking process 2 to 7 million gallons of fresh water with sand and gallons of industrial chemicals so that the wate can penetrare more easily. After the natural gas is released it goes up the well and to the storage tanks, then it is sent to market. Recently in North Texas and others places of the country the fraking process has been associated with contamination issues. This process was developed by Halliburton in 1940s and has been used during the last few decades. According to the information on fraking has been used heavily in Barnett Shale which is a geological formation that is 5,000 sq miles and is 7,000 ft below ground. The problem with fraking is the chemicals that are used in the fluids are toxic. Usually drilling companies do not reveal the chemicals used because they're are saying its proprietary, also they do not have to reveal these chemicals. …show more content…

Halliburton's former CEO, Dick Cheney had a hand in it's creation. Halliburton earns $1.5 billion through fraking annually. According to the information on said it estimated that 30% or more of the water that is used during fraking remains underground. The potential for polluting aquifers. Fluids from fraking are isolated away from the groundwater by steel and concrete well casings, but like anything they are known for

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