Home ownership at the age of twenty-two was lessons of life that I greatly appreciated. Even though my mother communicated her concerns about the house, I proceeded to purchase without regards to her emotions. Consequently, I abandoned my home and added to the epidemic that afflicts my county. Additionally, owners of these unsightly structures never had the intentions of foreclosure, but inevitable circumstances confronted the decision to either, leave or stay. Unfortunately, Cuyahoga County's resolution to the abandoned property epidemic resumes but the residents also face unwanted crimes; therefore, Cuyahoga County collaboration with banks initiating a housing program while establishing profitable returns, and demolishing distressed properties would definitely, increase the county's value and decrease the abandon property epidemic.
On every corner and street, the current scene while driving consists of distasteful scattered homes between mediocrity and the most extravagant homes throughout neighborhoods of Cuyahoga County. Meanwhile, storefronts of past business owners who once thrived with clientele also neglected the properties that they owned due to crime and drugs in the communities. The unwanted squatting, prostituting, and overall, police discovering dead bodies of unsolved murders in these unoccupied properties, therefore, are persistent concerns involving these problems of forgotten property foreclosures. Moreover, when financial circumstances change for the
They concluded that a low rate of diversity within communities was the main reason for foreclosures in the researched area. This is a big breakthrough because studies beforehand about foreclosure and crime would mainly focus on what crime had to do with foreclosure. This study now validates that a low rate of diverse individuals in a community can contribute to a higher rate of foreclosures.
Recently in Detroit, with the efforts to negate the current standings, they provided housing aid. According to the housing statistic, the housing aid drew crowds in Detroit. “One in four working-age adults in Detroit are without a job and the city’s home foreclosure rate continues to be among the nation’s highest.”
was August, and I was seven months behind on the mortgage. The house had now gone into foreclosure, and on the twenty-eighth, it was going to be auctioned. Despite what that letter said, I still trusted God to perform a miracle. That letter did not faze me a bit. My faith was solid, and nothing or any person was going to shake it. After all, I was following the direction of the Lord.
I worked for the Kings County Board of Realtors before going back to school from 2007 till 2014, I feel I had a front row seat to what transpired. The market soared in the early 2000’s because loans were given out like candy to people that really couldn’t afford it and didn’t understand what they were signing up for when their rates would change and their houses were being ripped out from under them. I watched as houses were taken from families left setting empty for several months creating eye soars in the community. Other problems arose as well, pools left stagnant creating pest issues, break-ins by drug uses to collect cooper wiring and appliances. Bailouts by the government that were designed to help people keep their homes were being used by banks after the house sat in ruin for several months. One of the main problems I saw was the people that were creating the problem were also in charge of the solutions which is bad business. They were able to bail themselves out but it left families without homes.
In the gleeful times of 2005, my parents decided, like so many others, that it was time to “upgrade.” They sold our smaller home on the other side of town, which had appreciated nicely, and bought a 3700 square foot behemoth in a town with already exorbitant property taxes. My younger brother and I were thrilled to finally have a basement, our own rooms, and even a concrete basketball court in our backyard! All eight-year-old me knew was that things were going to be a whole lot more comfortable from there, and my optimistic parents seemed to think the same.
mortgage was due, and I had not paid anything since they sent the check back to me in March. I received a letter stating that I had to send them both payments, or they would not accept it. I had believed that if I was sending them a payment, everything would be okay until I was able to catch up. When I sent February’s payment in March, the mortgage company sent the check back. I explained to them that I wasn’t two months behind because I had until the 15th of March to pay them. They would not work with me, and now I had a problem of needing at least another one thousand dollars to catch up with my mortgage payments.
Webster’s Dictionary defines gentrification as “the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents.” This sounds frightening to lower class citizens. However, Justin Davidson, author of “Is Gentrification All That Bad?” claims “Gentrification doesn’t need to be something that one group inflicts on another; often it’s a result of aspirations everybody shares.” Gentrification does not need to be the rich pushing the poor out. It can be the rich and the poor working together to make their city a wealthier and safer place to live. Gentrification improves communities by allowing more economic growth for all.
Imagine this. New age travelers make their way into your neighborhood. The activity starts small. A recycling bin here a coffee shop there, then suddenly and without warning your neighborhood explodes into a frenzy of improved safety, restored homes, and higher rents (John Buntin). There must be a name for this strange and unusual phenomenon. Gentrification! Many people detail gentrification as though it's a horror film, but is it really that bad? While some people may hate it they sure do love to make fun of it, and with the recent rise in comedic takes on this buzz word, Gentrification has had a bigger platform than ever. Popular shows such as shameless, Kimmy Schmidt, and even Sesame street all have something to say. So what is Gentrification, Where did it come from, and should we the people be for or against it.
I come from a small rural town nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. My hometown is split down the middle by a set of railroad tracks. On the north side, one can find pristine neighborhoods, newer schools, most doctors’ offices, and the only hospital in town. The south side of the town stands as a stark contrast. On the south side, you no longer find the wealthy neighborhoods but rather dilapidated and condemned homes and housing projects. One seems to find abandoned buildings on every corner, many inhabited by those that have lost their homes. Limited help is coming for those who need it, mostly through churches and volunteer programs targeting the underserved. Many doctors, dentists, and nurses are giving their time and resources to help
Brooklyn, NY – December 30, 2009 Foreclosures continue to rise drastically across the United States due to the recession, and have effected, and continue to affect thousands of families and individuals every day. One aspect we must take into consideration is that most people are not informed of what foreclosure means, or the process, even those who are homeowners. I believe that one step to preventing foreclosure is to educate first-time homebuyers. In addition, first-time homebuyer programs should not only assist potential buyers with financially preparing them to buy a home, but to keep the home once
Hamlet's actions display something of a madman. Hamlet’s madness contributes to the many examples that his insanity in fact seemed real. Few people believe his insanity seemed faked or feigned. Nevertheless Hamlet's actions can get confusing, since he could be deeply in love one minute, then talking and screaming to himself the next. These events that have occurred may have altered Hamlets life, by leaving him horribly troubled, and in a state of madness.
How does our response to fear determine our outcome in the end? Everyone reacts to fear in different ways, whether you run away screaming or try to face your fear. People also react differently to each situation of fear, such as a fear of haunted houses, heights, spiders, etc. Even though people can’t help responding the way they do, we know some responses can better for us in the end.
Owning a house has become more important than simply having a place to live, or making a sound real estate investment in our society. Buying a house has become an integral part of the American dream. No matter if you are male or female, young or old, rich or poor, what culture or country you are from, everyone has a dream about it; in other words, every one of us wants to own a place that we can live in and create memories in that will last a life time. For a first-time homebuyer, that dream can quickly turn into a nightmare. The whole home buying process can quickly overwhelm the average individual. You’re entering into what could be the biggest purchase of your life with no experience to fall back on. The good news is a little preparation can go a long way and help you approach this decision with confidence. Luckily for you, I have taken the liberty of putting together a guide for the first-time homebuyer. Throughout this guide I will take you step by step through the daunting process of buying a home.
The United States economy has been in trouble for the past couple of years. The foreclosure crisis is a condition that began due to the inability of homeowners to pay their mortgages. Foreclosure is a legal proceeding whereby a lender obtains a legal termination of a debtor’s right to redemption. The foreclosure rates have been increasing for a considerable period and certain steps have been put into place to solve the problem. While the government, financial institutions and the general public are highly aware of the crisis, the steps taken to combat the problem are still not sufficient as the foreclosure rates are still increasing.
There has been a lot of controversy over whether philosophy is needed or should be a part of Christianity. An early church father Tertullian said that we only needed the Bible and that we did not need philosophy at all. He said the Bible was enough. Clement of Alexandria believed that Greek philosophy was the handmaid of theology. “…before the advent of the Lord, philosophy was necessary to the Greeks for righteousness. And now it becomes conducive to piety; being a kind of preparatory training to those who attain to faith… philosophy was given to the Greeks directly and primarily, till the Lord should call the Greeks. For this was a schoolmaster to bring “the Hellenic mind,” as the law, the Hebrews, “to Christ.” Philosophy, therefore, was a preparation, paving the way for him who is perfected in Christ.” Justin believed that all