
Persuasive Essay On Ebola

Decent Essays

Ebola has been around for quite awhile. There's been multiple outbreaks of the Ebola virus throughout the years. The most recent outbreak happens to be going on right now, it's spreading throughout New Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone (Rupp). This outbreak is considered to be the biggest yet, thousands of deaths have occurred in this recent outbreak. Since the number of deaths Ebola has caused is huge many people are afraid that it'll eventually kill off the human race, but there are many factors that make it obvious that Ebola isn't going to kill off every single human. The Ebola Virus will not end the human race because it can be treated, it is only contagious through bodily fluids, and most countries have advanced medical facilities to treat Ebola. …show more content…

Most people are unaware of the actual information on Ebola, they just hear a few things about it and think of the worst case scenario. If more people were informed of the actual facts about it then they would think differently of it. Even though a cure hasn't been found, there is still some form of treatment for Ebola, "Treatment of Ebola patients consists of replenishing lost fluids and providing blood transfusions" (Leduc). There has been 14,000 total cases of Ebola during this outbreak, 5,000 of these patients have actually died from the Virus. (Green) That means that 9,000 people have recovered from Ebola! This is a perfect example of why Ebola isn't going to wipe out the human race. Also out of all the patients that have had Ebola in the United States only one has died. The others have either recovered or are undergoing the treatment. The ones that have recovered are now back in they're homes, living their normal

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