
Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

Decent Essays

Distracted driving is defined as engaging in any other activity while driving a vehicle, including using a cell phone or some other electronic device. Statistics released by the federal government paint a grim picture as more than 3,100 people were killed and another 424,000 were injured in 2013, the most recent year such data was available. The individual states enact and oversee motor vehicle laws, thus the following distracted driving laws should always be kept in mind.

Distracted Driving Essentials

Electronic devices and cell phones are the most easily recognized ways to become distracted while driving. But the federal government looks at anything that can detract from your visual, manual and cognitive attention, and includes some additional factors.

Such factors include: eating while driving, …show more content…

Virgin Islands expressly outlaw the use of handheld devices while driving. This provision covers all drivers regardless of age. However, no state forbids drivers from using hands-free devices, including Bluetooth-enabled and voice-activated smart phones according to the Governors Highway Safety Administration.

Novice drivers, typically identified as first-time teenage drivers, have further restrictions placed on them in 38 states as well as in the District of Columbia. Under no circumstance may a novice driver use a cell phone, including a hands-free enabled device, while operating a motor vehicle. As for school bus drivers operating in the line of duty, 20 states and the District of Columbia forbid cell phone use.

The strongest distracted driving laws cover texting while driving. Every district, territory, and 46 states prohibit text messaging while driving for all drivers. However, Arizona only forbids this practice for its school bus drivers. Furthermore, Texas and Missouri prohibit texting by novice drivers. Only Montana has yet to forbid texting while

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