
Persuasive Essay On Deep Space Exploration

Decent Essays

Throughout the course of history, people have been fascinated with the idea of space exploration. Exploring the unexplored is a fascinating feat; however, it can become very costly to research, design, and create equipment used by NASA. This is why the program is reliant on money from outside sources such as the government. The government should spend money on the space program because it contributes to many scientific advancements and explorations that could lead to incredible discoveries. The Space program contributes to many scientific advancements both medically and technologically. Many medical breakthroughs have been due, in part, to NASA’s research. For example, due to the program’s focus on robotics, NASA is an important force in developing artificial limbs, which have changed the lives of amputees and those confined to wheelchairs. Additionally, NASA’s technology is responsible for plenty of computer programs that people use on a daily basis. NASA has been responsible for these and many other breakthroughs in technology, and if the government funds the program the future possibilities are endless. …show more content…

If the government continues to financially support the space program, a trip to Mars could potentially be in the not too distant future. When it comes to deep space exploration, the possibilities are endless, and many more discoveries could be made that could help make everyday life easier for a multitude of people. Some claim that space exploration should not be more important than people on earth. The claim is that there are more pressing matters that may need financial aid from the government. However, this is a claim that is made by people without proper knowledge of how many incredible things have been discovered and created by NASA’s technologies and the space

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