
Persuasive Essay On Concealed Shootings

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Imagine being a loved one of a student or faculty member who has been killed or held hostage while attending what should be one of the most desirable and safest places to be, a college campus. With the amount of school shootings beginning to increase dramatically over the past few years, something needs to be done to reduce the devastating problem. If Michigan college and university students and staff were able to carry concealed weapons on campus, with the proper training and knowledge, the amount of school shootings in Michigan would decline indisputably. Concealed carry permits are great for colleges and universities because it increases the safety for the students enrolled and staff employed there, creates an awareness of someone who can counter act their deadly intent, and because the people who get concealed carry permits want to protect others. Along with this initiative, of course, many safety measures would have to be taken in order to ensure everyone is kept as safe as possible. Precautions that would be taken include: everyone who wishes to carry a concealed weapon would be forced to take a concealed carry permit program by a certified instructor, and carry their permit license with them wherever they go. Along with the state of Michigan’s concealed carry permit program, every student or staff member that expresses interest in carrying a concealed weapon would need to take a different program set up by the college on the rules and regulations that go along with

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