
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

Decent Essays

Arjana Zyka
Scientific Reasoning and analysis
Essay on climatic changes.

Man Against Nature; Nature Against Man
Life on Earth, as we know it, is possible thanks to the natural effect known by the term greenhouse. The effluent gases, mainly water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and gases such as methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O) and tropospheric ozone (O3), allow solar energy to illuminate the Earth with visible light but also pressure infrared heat.1 This phenomenon keeps our planet sufficiently warm, ensuring the proper physiological functions of all organisms.1 The greenhouse effect that for millions of years was a blessing for the Earth, seems to have become a serious threat to the Earth during the last century due to human activity.
With industrialization and population growth, the emission of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fuels has increased significantly.2 Over the past 100 years, we've emitted atmospheric gases at a speed greater than can be eliminated naturally. Moreover, new synthetic gases such as chlorofluorocarbon and halogens are emitted and they certainly increase the greenhouse effect.2 During this time, the atmospheric level of these gases has grown steadily and is projected to continue to grow while the global economy is growing; consequently, the environmental harmony will be in disbalance.2 Scientists say that climate change will not have the same impact all over the world.3 Some countries will have less water and others more water.3

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