Arjana Zyka
Scientific Reasoning and analysis
Essay on climatic changes.
Man Against Nature; Nature Against Man
Life on Earth, as we know it, is possible thanks to the natural effect known by the term greenhouse. The effluent gases, mainly water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and gases such as methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O) and tropospheric ozone (O3), allow solar energy to illuminate the Earth with visible light but also pressure infrared heat.1 This phenomenon keeps our planet sufficiently warm, ensuring the proper physiological functions of all organisms.1 The greenhouse effect that for millions of years was a blessing for the Earth, seems to have become a serious threat to the Earth during the last century due to human activity.
With industrialization and population growth, the emission of greenhouse gases from the combustion of fuels has increased significantly.2 Over the past 100 years, we've emitted atmospheric gases at a speed greater than can be eliminated naturally. Moreover, new synthetic gases such as chlorofluorocarbon and halogens are emitted and they certainly increase the greenhouse effect.2 During this time, the atmospheric level of these gases has grown steadily and is projected to continue to grow while the global economy is growing; consequently, the environmental harmony will be in disbalance.2 Scientists say that climate change will not have the same impact all over the world.3 Some countries will have less water and others more water.3
In the last 100 years, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased, causing the Earth to warm by an average of 0.6 degrees celsius, largely a result of burning fossil fuels for energy, transportation, and land use changes increased for food production. The basic science is straightforward and climate researchers have shown that gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and others can trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Human activities such as industry, transport, energy generation and deforestation all produce these greenhouse gases. In the last 20 years, concern has grown that global warming is inevitable and now considered most probably caused by man-made increases in
In late years, however, excess emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities processes (mostly burning fossil fuels) have started to warm Earth's climate at a problematic rate. This has caused the global average temperature to raise, and may potentially harm many life form on earth in near future. They are generating major greenhouse gases (GHGs) which enhance greenhouse effect. This raises the global average temperature leading to climate change, and may potentially harm many life form on earth in near
Climate change is influenced by the greenhouse effect which is the increase of Carbon dioxide, Methane, Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide. On one hand, the presence of these gases in the atmosphere make the earth habitable with respect to regulating the earth’s temperature. However, an increase in the concentration of these gases results in trapping energy in the atmosphere and this in turn increases earth’s temperature. “Global greenhouse gas emissions have grown since pre-industrial times, with an increase of 70% between
As Earths average temperature increases every year, the discussion of climate change has become a significant topic in the scientific community. Human activities such as powering factories, running automobiles or something as simple as burning wood for heat, emit dangerous greenhouse gases. What makes these greenhouse gases so detrimental is that they absorb the heat radiating off of Earth and keep it in the lower atmosphere creating a “blanket” of warmth around the Earth’s surface. This causes a drastic increase in the Earths average temperature. Due to the rise in temperature, the polar caps have been melting faster than ever, this is dangerous not only because of the risk of floods and sea level increase but ocean water will become less saline and ecosystems will be destroyed, impacting humans just as much as marine life. In the article, Understand faulty thinking to tackle climate change by George Marshall, Marshall states that most people in our world today do not care about climate change because it will not affect them, “Which points to the real problem: climate change is exceptionally amorphous, … no deadlines, no geographic location, no single cause or solution.” (Marshall 2014). Because the author makes it clear that climate change is indeed a great plight, and fails to be acknowledged by people, it is a significant matter that should be discussed
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the global temperature has risen about two degrees Fahrenheit since the late nineteenth century (“Climate”). Scientists define climate change as the escalation of the earth’s average temperature by natural causes or human inducement. As gases in the earth’s atmosphere increase, earth’s temperature follows coherently. Scientists cite a correlation between the earth’s increasing temperature and gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere. Scientists have found that through human activity these gases show an increase. The upsurge of gases has a lasting effect on the environment: “Scientists warn of the loss of ecosystems and
Environmental issues are becoming a growing concern for the world as well as for the world's leaders. Pollution, littering and the burning of fossil fuels are all problems that have drastically affected humans over the past few years. Impure drinking water, radiation, less ecological diversity and cancer are a few of such harms that the world has experienced. However, one of the most prominent concerns is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect, a natural occurrence, is turning deadly with the introduction of humans and carbon emissions and is slowly heating up the world. In future years this could cause catastrophic consequences. Rising global temperatures threatens the very existence of the
Without this natural greenhouse effect, the earth would be over 30°C cooler and would be too cold to be habitable. But as greenhouse gas concentrations rise well above their natural levels, the additional warming that will take place could threaten the future sustainability of the planet. The extent to which changes in temperature over the last 100 years are due to human activities has been studied by looking at patterns of change across the surface of the earth, and vertically through the depth of the atmosphere and the ocean. Climate models predict a
Environmental science is concerned with the global impact of human activity on the planet. Indeed, at the dawn of this new century, close to 25 percent of the earth’s usable water is contaminated. In addition, during the last hundred years, we have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by burning fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum and in so doing we have increased the amount of gases in the atmosphere. The result is that more heat is trapped in the system, increasing the global temperature by 1° C (about 1.8° F).
The issue of global warming should be on the list of our top priorities. Studies show that the average of global temperatures have risen since the Industrial Revolution began. Since the Industrial Revolution, human emissions has quadrupled the frequency of certain heat extremes and many scientists have warned that a failure to bring greenhouse gases under control could eventually lead to a 62-fold increase in extreme heat blasts (Gillis Justin A17). Most of the increase is due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities contribute to a build-up in carbon dioxide and other gases in Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere is made of gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. These gases act as a blanket that covers and gives us warmth, but once these gases such as carbon dioxide absorbs heat, but does not release it back into space in which causes the increase in global temperature. This is called the greenhouse effect because it only traps heat but does not release it.
Moreover, the first human effect for climate change is the greenhouse Gases in which human activities result in emissions of four principal greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons (a group of gases containing fluorine, chlorine and bromine). These gases accumulate in the atmosphere, causing concentrations to increase with time. Significant increases in all of these gases have occurred in the industrial era (see Figure 1). All of these increases are attributable to human activities. Carbon dioxide has increased from fossil
During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, is absorb and emits heat into the earth’s atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm enough to support life. However, human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, are adding large amounts of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This is called the greenhouse effect and it is natural and necessary to support life on earth. However, while greenhouse gases buildup, the climate changes and result in dangerous effects to human health and ecosystems. People have adapted to the stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warmer climate can bring changes that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural environment, and even our own health and safety. There are some climate changes that are unavoidable and nothing can be done about it. For example, carbon
Global warming is one of the largest environmental problems of the time, and this naturally occurring phenomenon intensified by pollution has become a threat to the health of humans and wildlife, communities, and economies around the world. Normal greenhouses gases (GHGs) present in the atmosphere include carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrous oxide. These gases prohibit too much infrared radiation from reflecting back into space; hence, they trap this energy in the atmosphere to create a constant temperature for Earth. Therefore, the term “greenhouse” describes how these gases surround and regulate the Earth’s temperature like a greenhouse or glasshouse for plants. In addition to the natural atmospheric gases, humans have artificially created an additional GHG composed of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which are non-flammable chemicals are composed of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon found in refrigerant and aerosol products. Humans are not only constructing new GHGs but also dramatically increasing the amount of the natural gases such as carbon dioxide. Combing the emissions directly from the tailpipe to the extraction and production of fuel, the transportation sector is responsible for 30% of the United States’ emissions of carbon dioxide and other global warming gases. The human population is increasing and becoming more dependent on fossil fuels particularly for fuel, yet the burning of fossil fuels cause an increase of two to three parts per million in carbon dioxide
I know I'm not the person who's supposed to do your peer-review, however, I wrote this yesterday in case. I did the work, so I decided to post it. Plus, I really enjoy reading your letter, really stood out to me, because you wrote your letter to the whole board, not just an editor. It gave your letter an overwhelming sense of urgency. Very Nice. Immediately it calls for action and it reminds the newspaper of its responsibility to get the fact out to the community and elected officials, so they can make better decisions. By your choice of word you used, "I believe if 'we as a people' come together and fight this decision we could possibly help save our Earth and our future generations". Bring straight to the front of facts, that our representatives are not supposed to make decisions based on their personal opinion, but for the people. They are sworn to it through, The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. That was actually highly intelligent move, to get your message across because newspapers love to write about violations of the Constitution. You point out, that many are not pleased with Donald Trump, "vowed to withdraw from the Paris Agreement to combat global warming". "Global temperatures have increased by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 115 years, with this increase numerous climate changes have occurred including, more drought and heat waves; this effect can, in turn, create the perfect kindling for disasters fires
If I had won the 2020 election and became president of the United Sates, the one thing I will do first, and with swift action, is climate change reform. With congressional help, I will strive to lower carbon emissions, invest in sustainable energy research, and implement more energy efficient mechanisms in public infrastructure All these three goals when accomplished will help the United State achieve a sustainable future.
A new heat wave record! That is a title that is used every year at some point in the year. Either in the summertime or even in the winter time. The world continues to get warmer and hotter, due to climate change and the ever-changing world we are creating. Though it seems like everyone is not noticing or paying attention to the world as it happens. People ignore it and move on with their day while climate change grows bigger. The general public sometimes feels as if it is not important to worry about at all. Just as if it doesn’t exist and is not a problem. If climate change is not taken seriously, it could and will devastate our planet to no end. It is not something to take for granted, as it will ravage the planet till there is nothing left. Yet humanity has known about this problem for a long time.