
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

Decent Essays

The knowledge of climate change has loomed over the population for generations, yet little has been done to stop it. Now humanity is faced with the question; are the effects of climate change reversible? To which the answer is, technically, yes but, realistically, no. Reversing climate change would require extreme legal action and support from world leaders, deforestation and overpopulation to halt, and a great amount of time, considering these facts one can conclude that reversing climate change is just unrealistic. The fight against climate change cannot be won without the full support and action of world leaders. Although some citizens have made small strives in their lives in hopes to slow down climate change it would require world leaders to take extreme legal action and reinforcement in order to truly make a change. This is an issue since the president of the United States doesn’t acknowledge climate change as a true phenomenon. In a tweet from 2012 Donald Trump wrote that “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” This is just one example of the president's apparent opposition towards solving climate change. Since he has been in power Donald Trump has already backed out of Paris Climate Change agreement, a contract designed to protect our environment signed by 195 countries. Furthermore Trump has took action to dismantle the Clean Power Act, a plan which would have limited the amount of

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