
Persuasive Essay On Animal Rights

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Children, and some adults enjoy going to an Animal Park, or zoo and seeing animals that they do not encounter in day-to-day life. For many it can be a learning experience to witness animals from other areas of the world. What many do not think of is the animal’s well being living in captivity. The documentary “Blackfish” gives an inside look at the animals of SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, in particular the Orca whales. The animal’s well-being is not thought of in many instances, it is more about the amusement of the guests who visit. Not to say that animal parks are bad, many are conservation areas to help keep the population of animals where they should be. May animal parks also have breeding programs where they release healthy, young animal species back into the wild to raise endangered species populations. The topic of animal rights while they are in captivity has always interested me. Since I was a young child I have had a love and interest for animals, I took every opportunity I could to visit animal parks and anywhere where I could see animals up close. When I first started to go see animals in captivity I was so amazed at what I saw, the thought of “are the animals actually happy with life” never came to mind. I now know how sad and horrible it is to take these animals from the wild and place them in a small enclosure to live out the rest of their lives. With this project I wanted to see what other peopled thought on this topic, if it was similar to mine or maybe

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