
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse

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An animal is abused every ten seconds. Animal abuse can come from religious heritage like bullfighting to just doing it for fun. I believe we need to stop animal abuse. We can start by ending organized cruelty, stopping puppy mills, and we need to add more laws against it.
Organized cruelty is basically animal abuse which ends with killing animals. My first example is cockfighting. Cockfighting is when two roosters with blades strapped to their claws, fight to the death, while people not only watch, but place bets on which animal will win. Cockfighting is the “oldest spectator sport” dating back thousands of years, and although it is currently outlawed in all states, it continues to be a form of entertainment for many (Adam B. Ellick). In fact, according to an article in the New York Times, cockfighting was once …show more content…

Since there are so many, I am only going to give the most punishing laws in North and South America. In Argentina, the sentence is 15 days to one year in prison. I think that is not enough time in jail, and should have more time in jail. In Chile, the worst sentence you can get is a fine of two to 30 units, and 541 days to three years in prison. That is a lot of time in jail, but it could have more. There are no laws against animal abuse in Columbia, and cockfighting and bullfighting are considered religious heritages ( Columbia is terrible, and should do something about animal abuse. In Mexico, the worst punishment is two to four years in prison, and 200 to 400 days at minimum wage. In the United States, the worst case of animal abuse had a sentence of 25 years to life in prison. This was apart of the “three strikes law” which means that if you do two other violent crimes, and you got caught doing another crime, you would get an sentence of life in prison ( This means that you could get life in prison for just stealing a penny. In Venezuela, animal abuse is

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