
Persuasive Essay On Airport Security

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Before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States the amount of security provided by the TSA inside airports around the world had been very modest towards the civilians. Searches and bag checks didn’t exploit the possible catastrophic events that could of happened prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. TSA officials have been intrusive and expressing pat downs and searches out of control. Being in an airport flying it’s very well invading the privacy of many individuals, the TSA needs to hesitate and control the department that they represent before searching multiple persons. For multiple people who are known to be innocent in airports nationwide and would not purpose a scene of harm, are being searched intensively instead of the mistrustful …show more content…

If you're on a specific secret list, you can not fly and you enter a Kafkaesque world where you cannot face your accuser, protest your innocence, take out your name, or even get confirmation from the government that someone, somewhere, has proven you guilty. The particular police powers would be illegal anywhere but in an airport, and we are all harmed in a individually and collectively way by the TSA´s existence. Increased fear is the final harm, and its effects are both emotional and physical. By sowing mistrust, by stripping us of our privacy and in many cases, our dignity by taking away our rights also by subjecting us to arbitrary and irrational rules, and by continuing to tell us that this is the only thing between us and death by the hands of terrorists ,the TSA and its ilk are sowing fear. And by doing so, they are playing directly into the terrorists' hands. When weapons come into play during searches by the TSA it turns the table on how strict the searches can be without getting into the individual's space. Having people with weapons on planes back before the 9/11 caused fear in airport security, fear is brought to the people of air travel through emotional and physical feelings. Beginning with weapons in airports the TSA needs to realize that an elder person in this day and age will never be smuggling explosives in their pants or elsewhere. Enhanced pat downs and full body scans have been a new part of TSA procedures, it may not be the right solution but as of now it is in full swing . It is now time to figure out what is necessary and acceptable without putting the people of airports and planes in danger. Stating that the TSA isn't owning up to what they agreed to say to protect the people that want to fly. Other social consequences, such as violations of the people who are trying to fly without their space bubble getting entered into. The TSA

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