Are you the type of person that likes to soak up the sun on a nice day? Do you like to go to tanning salons to get a nice tan for any occasion? Or do you like to spend summer days hanging around the pool? What do these activities have in common? When doing some research, I have learned that all of these activities can cause harm to your skin. According to the American Cancer Society there has been an estimated 95,000 cases of skin cancer in the United States so far this year, and an estimated 13,000 cases of death for both men and women. I am not trying to tell you that you should never go outside, but I am trying to tell you of some of the dangers the sun can cause your skin if not properly protected. Many people are not aware of the harms that the sun can cause, and do not protect their skin. I would like to tell you some basic information about the sun, the ways its Ultraviolent rays can harm your body, and some ways to protect your skin from harm.
The sun is a vital part of human existence and we wouldn’t be where we are today without it, it is unavoidable. The sun is what keeps so many living things going and provides us with a natural source of Vitamin D which helps keep your bones healthy. However, the sun can also be harmful, the sun emits Ultraviolent, or UV Rays. There are three different types of UV Rays, UVA, the most common form of sun exposure, UVB, less sun exposure but more intense, and UVC, which is blocked by the Earth’s ozone layer. Although we cannot see
and a delay of the immune system. On the other hand, the long-term effects are wrinkles,
Sharon Miller is the author of this article and is part of FDA. In this article she discusses how each type of uv rays damage the skin and which uv ray is used in tanning beds. This is relevant to my topic because it demonstrates the risk of skin cancer. Many people think tanning gives them a ¨healthy¨ glow, but in reality a tan is a sign on skin damage. UV-B rays burn the top layer of skin resulting in a sunburn in most cases. UV-A rays burn into a deeper layer of the skin causing a rash to appear. Tanning beds emit UV-B rays and UV-A rays, which is why you tend to get a sunburn before turning dark. The UV-B rays cause your body to emit more melanin, which is a pigment that darkens the skin. This is why we get tan in the summer whether it
Many teens today use tanning beds, but aren’t aware of how dangerous they really are. Tanning, especially indoor tanning has been linked to Melanoma and other types of skin cancers. A review of scientific evidence estimated that 400,000 cases of skin cancer in the United States is because of tanning bed and 6,000 cases of Melanoma. An increased rate of Melanoma was found in women under the age of 40, which rose a third since the early 1990’s. As time has
Most people go to salons or anywhere else to get a tan and they will ask “Are tanning beds dangerous?” The employee will probably say no, they are totally safe, but the truth is tanning beds are not safe! Ultra-violet rays from tanning beds are stronger than the sun’s rays. In addition, tanning beds put out fifteen times the radiation given off the sun. Moreover, tan is one’s body response to injury. Therefore, a tan is dangerous to younger people. To add, tanning beds are riskier than sun exposure and cause melanoma. The risk of melanoma goes up by seventy-five percent when one uses a tanning bed. However, not only is one more
tanning promises and creates a beautiful tan in only a few sessions. The result from this tan is dark and clear skin that makes a person feel and look better. No wonder this craze is so popular. Who wouldn’t want to look like they just came back from the Caribbean with beautiful skin? I mean having tan skin does make a person look better right? This question is obviously a personal opinion, but this new habit of tanning indoors has become a growing concern. There are many long term effects to indoor tanning that are harmful to a person. But most people do not understand this because the short-term effects are the most satisfying.
Before one can discuss harmful effects of tanning equipment and increased sun exposure, one must be familiar with the components of ultraviolet light and how affects the skin. Sunlight contains two types of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA and UVB. UVA rays consist of longer wavelengths that penetrate deep into the dermal layer of skin. Limited exposure to UVA rays causes skin to tan; however, most experts agree that overexposure to UVA can lead to other long-term skin damage. UVB rays’ wavelengths are much shorter, affecting the outermost layers of skin. UVB rays are known as the "burning rays" and are considered more dangerous. Tanning beds and sun lamps generally emit 93% to 99% UVA
EXCESSIVE SUN EXPOSURE AND SKIN CANCER IN AUSTRALIA Genet Degfaw Student ID No. 4559316 20 October 2017 Table of content 1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 2. Background-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-4 2.1 The importance of sunscreen in preventing skin cancer------------------------------------3 2.2 The Australian population at greater risk of skin cancer------------------------------------4 3.
For this article I have decided that I am going to discuss indoor tanning and the health effects that it has on the body. Almost everyone on the Earth has had a tan at one point, whether that be from just being outside, taking a swim, lying out in the sun or tanning at a salon. No matter where you got your tan from the UV radiation that you exposed to your skin to can cause skin cancer.
Many people think that is it possible to achieve a “healthy tan,” but this thought has been proven wrong. Overexpose to UV-A and UV-B rays from the sun lead to premature aging of the skin, as well as the possible formation of skin cancer, know as melanoma. An appearance of a tan is actually a stage of burning and damage to the skin. Although a tan may be desirable to many, the fact remains that more people need to be educated on the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays, and the possible health complications of overexposure.
Have you ever felt the “false sense of security that [you] may not feel under direct sunlight” from a tanning bed (Jeffrey)? Your body relaxes, you feel serene, and you get a golden glow. Some teens strive for this feeling...and the tan. Tanning is the skin's response to injury, according to Arielle Kauvar, M. D. The exposure of UV rays over time can cause skin cancer. Skin cancer is the growth of abnormal growth of skin cells that forms in the tissue of the skin (Skin Cancer). Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer, can come from UV rays. From 1998- 2008, the number of cases of Melanoma has increased by about
Tanning has become increasingly popular over years. The question is it beneficial or a bad business deal to start. The truth is tanning is convenient method utilized by many individuals to gain skin tone and color, builds self- esteem and promote relaxation. It can be beneficial in many aspects of our lives as well as an alternative to more harmful exposure but there are always risks at everything you do. Dermatologists today are against it for the simple fact that they believe it causes skin cancer. According to NCI (National Cancer Institute) exposure to UV radiation—whether from the sun or from artificial sources such as sunlamps utilized in tanning beds—increases of developing skin cancer. IRAC (International Agency for Research on
Imagine going to a tanning salon and asking information on the safety of indoor tanning. The employees tell you that it is safe, in fact, they encourage the use, saying it is good for you. Imagine six months later going to your doctor for a checkup and having your doctor tell you he is concerned about something you thought was a beauty mark. You come to find that you have malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer at the age of 27. After doing some research it was obvious that going to this tanning salon was the cause. You have just taken a glimpse into the life of Lisa Whitehead who shared her story to prevent something like this from happening to others. This essay will analyze issues related to Indoor Tanning. It will employ the
Every hour at least one American will die of skin cancer caused by exposure to the sun. These statistics are alarming and most people are unaware that the sunshine that we all love so much is in fact a threat to our health and good looks. It is up to us to educate ourselves and our children on the harmful effects of sun exposure on the human body like premature aging, physical damage to the body, and cancerous diseases.
It has been proven that the Earth’s atmosphere blocks 98.7 percent of the sun’s UV rays. The other 2.3 percent that we are exposed to, have both beneficial and harmful effects. We do need to focus on the benefits, because we have way more of them. The only harm it does to our body is skin cancer, which by being more careful we can protect from. The
Thesis: Many people do not use sun protection on a daily bases and are unaware of the health effects of sun exposure that can be easily preventive by using sun protection.