
Persuasive Essay : A Face To Die For

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A Face to Die For We all know the struggle of waking up every day and having to get ready to present ourselves to the world. Makeup, a lifeline for some of us who wake up after four hours of sleep with bags under our eyes, is essentially a part of everyday life for girls and boys everywhere. The big questions I have for you, do you really know what you’re putting on your skin? Are you even sure what to do when you look at a tube of concealer? This blog is designed to educate and keep you safe. The first step to all effective skin care and effective makeup application is to cleanse and moisturize your face. It is very important to have a clean slate under what is about to be layered on top. To get long-lasting makeup, however, you should be sure you are using a face wash and moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type. If you have never thought about what type of skin you have, you should think of oily, dry, or somewhere in the middle. Most skin care products are labeled for what skin they are most suitable, so make sure to pay attention to that before making your decision. Also, before you hit the checkout line, I would advise you to check the ingredients before you set your mind to the product. Things to watch out for in a face wash and lotion include Diethanolamine, Monoethanolamine, Triethanolamine, fragrances, isopropyl alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and Sodium Laureth Sulfate. These are all cancer-causing ingredients and leave your skin unable to breathe.

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