
Persuasive Devices In Walt Whitman's Poetry

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Many critics states Walt Whitman as the best American poet. The publication of Leaves of grass in 1855 marked the beginning of a new poetry. The most innovative thing about Whitman’s poetry was the fact that he completely abandoned all the traditional form of writing poetry and their rules about rhyme meter and length. Instead of using traditional farm of poetry writing he uses free verse to write poetry. This is the style that most modern and contemporary poetry is written in. Whitman abandoned traditional meter patterns in favor of free verse. Free verse is the poetic verse written completely free, without rigid rules or predictable patterns. The tone and content of his poems were also very original. To most of his readers, he sounded alive, …show more content…

This poem explores the difficulties of discovering the relevance of life. The suggestion that Whitman offers as a means of becoming distinguished, or obtaining an identity, is to live a life of self-satisfaction. The persuasive devices used in this poem successfully communicate Whitman’s own theory of breaking the molds of society by living as a self-satisfying individual. Whitman informs his audience that he has lead the same life as they had lived and the one who lead the same life as their children will and their ancestors did. The poet questions the significance of a person’s achievements by asking, “My great thoughts as I supposed them, were they not in reality meagre. He thought that it would be hard for any person to measure their self- accomplishments on the planetary scale. The second verse of the poem introduces the metaphor of the world being a simple, compact with the people dissolved into the eternal float of solution. Sunrise, sunset circling birds on the Brooklyn ferry are woven into this poem. The continuous use of repetitive imagery conveys the feeling that our existence is in fact part of an infinitely moving machine that has no purpose or destination. By using these devices, Whitman shakes his audience with the convincing notion that life as it is normally perceived is not

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