
Persuasive Analysis Of The Lamb By William Blake

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Poetry Essay

Persuasive Analysis of “The Lamb” by William Blake


Submitted to Dr. Kenneth Deshane ENGL 102

By: James Shannon

September 16, 2017

Degree program- Bachelor of Science in Religion

“The Lamb” by William Blake brings about spiritual passions and the emotional about the Lamb of God, who is Jesus Christ. “The Lamb” by William Blake is a lyric poem in which the author marvels at the love, wonder and innocents of child poetry, also which states personal passions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person.”1 In select “The Lamb “it was talking to me intellect emotion, imagination and internally. In our lesson, category “The lamb is a symbol of innocence also, a character of Christ’s sacrifice by sin.”2 Blake stated in the poem “for he calls himself a lamb”: He is meek, and he is mild describes the Lord Jesus Christ as the creator of the lamb. Since Jesus is often called the ‘Lamb of God, the representation of the instinctive chosen in the poem is very recognizable. Reading the poem as a Christian it can point to word of God’s in a biblical point of view. “Sometimes a lamb is just a lamb, unless it's the "Lamb of God," Or unless it's the human lambs being shepherded by Jesus Christ.3 “Christianity turns everyone in this poem into a lamb; also the poem's symbolic, religious meaning comes through in the second stanza, where the lamb's creator is revealed to be Jesus Christ.”4 In line one “Who made thee”, (John 1:3), when God created he make something from nothing. Analysis the poem it gives the urge to answer the question in the sonnet. Because we are created a being, we have no basis for pride. Reminded that you exist, because God made us, and

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