
Persuasion-Personal Narrative

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The sky was overcast. It appeared that this day would be just like any other day, but this notion was surely mistaken.

In the humble village of Pequot Lakes, workers and students ran to and fro, busy as ever completing the day’s duties. Suddenly, there was a deep rumbling noise. Nobody thought much of this at first, but suspicion and worry began to arise as it continued on for over three hours. It was as if it were Mexican Monday already, but it was only Wednesday today.

As the city grew worried, there was only one man brave enough to get to the bottom of what was going on; and his name was Jon Thorson. At least, that’s what everyone called him. No one really knew his true identity, as he maintained his alias quite well. Occasionally, though, he would let bits and pieces of his past life slip out. A cold, biting sense of sarcasm that was probably only used against the most dastardly of foes, or a …show more content…

A tumbleweed consisting of old english assignments and Smuckers uncrusted circular sandwiches billowed past his feet. This was the modern equivalent of a desert wasteland.

Thorson pressed on, determined to figure out where the low rumbling sound was coming from. He reluctantly approached the Woods Room; it seemed that the sound was coming from inside. He looked into the little window on the door, and saw a chubby boy pressed up against the glass, breathing heavily. He was keeping watch, and immediately rushed to warn his comrades when he saw Thorson approaching. Moments later, two gangly teenagers ran out of the doors, covered in sawdust and screaming. They were berserkers!

With a single swift kick, Thorson knocked both of them unconscious. The chubby boy stood in the doorway, petrified with fear. His gaze, which had previously been fixed on the motionless bodies of his fallen comrades, now turned towards Thorson. Their eyes met, and the boy nearly soiled his homemade

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