
Perspective Taking Storage

Decent Essays

There are many different mental illnesses, but schizophrenia is one of the least understood illnesses. Since schizophrenia is one of the least understood illnesses and has many different causes that make it harder for doctors to try and treat the illness, especially if it is not detected early. Just like any other serious illness, schizophrenia is critical to one’s functioning of life if not treated early on, which is why research on schizophrenia is so important. Additionally, schizophrenia is a serious, and complex illness that needs to be studied more in depth. Moreover, the longer schizophrenia is left untreated the more cognitive and social functioning begins to slowly diminish. (Santosh, Dutta Roy, Kundu, 2013). In addition, this social cognitive diminishment can lead to the impairment of the social cognitive ability “Theory of Mind (ToM),” which can make it difficult for one to interact normally with another person (Santosh, Dutta Roy, Kundu, 2013). Theory of Mind (ToM) is a social …show more content…

Furthermore, perspective-taking storage refers to the skills of ToM that deal with understanding someone else’s mental states. In addition, perspective-taking storage and ToM are important factors to examine when looking at social functioning problems in schizophrenia patients. In the article “Separating component processes of theory of mind in schizophrenia,” Bailey and Henry (2010) analyze the “Self-perspective” component in ToM. The purpose of this study is to test the skill “Self-perspective” in schizophrenia patients, to see if this skill is connected to deficits in ToM in these ill patients. Unfortunately, the authors only test for specific thinking processes and not generalized processes when looking at the “Self- perspective” skill in ToM, meaning that other factors may be more closely related to ToM

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