
Personality Testing For Select Employees

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Introduction “Personality refers to the relatively stable pattern of behaviours and consistent internal states that explain a person’s behavioural tendencies.” (Mcshane, Travaglione, 2005) In the past the use of personality testing to select employees was looked down upon and thought to not be an accurate measure of employee job performance, however with increased confidence in how personality is defined (The Five Factor Model) experts are starting to recognize the usefulness of personality tests in predicting work performance (Hurtz, Donovan, 2000). Agreeableness, which is a part of the Five Factor Model, is an important trait in employees ability to interact with others and as such should be investigated into how much of an effect being agreeable is when working in jobs that have a high amount of interpersonal interactions. Being agreeable is a very important personality trait when it comes to working in jobs where employees have a lot of social interactions, be it with co-workers or customers. Being highly agreeable will lead to a better job performance in interpersonal settings such as a service business or team-orientated work setting however the correlation is more pronounced in the latter. I will be showing this by explaining what Agreeableness is and showing the evidence, which suggests that, this personality trait will lead to higher job performance. The implications on businesses of this will then be explored. Review What is Agreeableness? The Five Factor

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