
Personality Disorders And Eating Disorders

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There are many different types of disorders. I am personally interested in personality disorders and eating disorders. Now that might sound weird, but what I mean is I find it interesting and want to figure out how it effects people. I want to know how it effects people’s daily life. Now a day’s society glorifies personality disorders such as depression and eating disorders in general. Disorders aren’t something to be glorified they are something that some people struggle with and sometimes can’t live with their disorder or illness. There are many types of disorder, from bipolarity to bulimia to schizophrenia. My family has a background of being bipolar or depressed. Some say depression isn’t a mental disorder but it is a serious illness …show more content…

The official definition of a personality disorder is “a psychopathological condition or group of conditions in which an individual 's entire life pattern is considered deviant or nonadaptive although the individual shows neither neurotic symptoms nor psychotic disorganization” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. I interpret to mean that there is some pattern of conditions that makes the person seem a divergent compared to other people of the same age group and gender. Even though people have these conditions, they show nothing that makes them seem inconsistent with brain activity or anything like neurosis, which is a class of mental disorders that are derived from distress, but do not include hallucinations or delusions. In the first cluster of disorders, Cluster A, there are three disorders: Paranoid personality disorder (PD), Schizoid personality disorder (PD), and Schizotypal personality disorder (PD). These disorders are classified as odd, bizarre, or eccentric. A person with Paranoid PD has absolutely no trust in others, they are suspicious of everyone and everything, looking for something that would confirm why they feel this distrust for everything in their lives.

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