
Personality Analysis: Katharine Briggs And Isabel Briggs

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During World War II Mother and daughter team Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers developed a personality test for women to determine where they would fit best in the work force. Myers and Briggs based this test off the belief that everyone’s personality type could be categorized by a preference of one trait over another. Myers and Briggs determined that there were eight basic human instincts, and a combination of those preferences make up a person’s personality type. My answers to the Myers and Briggs test determined that my personality is dominated by Extrovert, Sensor, thinker, and judger traits, making my personality type ESTJ. Every morning before I went to school my mom would call me into her room. I knew when I got to her room that I would find her outfit for the day laid out on the bed complete with accessories and shoes. She would call me into her room every morning to ask if her outfit looked good. She did this because she knew I couldn't help but tell the truth, if something didn't look good. I’ve always believed that it is better to be honest with people, however I do tend to come off as blunt. Being very open about my opinions and emotions is a character trait of being an extrovert, it …show more content…

Sensors are described as patient and I know myself well enough to know that as much as I try I am not patient. If I find something in the store that I like I will buy it on the spot even though it might be wiser to price check other stores first. Also, my friends would describe me as reckless, the opposite of careful; which is what a sensor is supposed to be. I’ve broken plenty bones and had a multitude of injuries simply because I was not paying attention or I was just doing something reckless . Although, I recognize that I am careless and not at all patient, knowing this can help me try to be more patient, slow down, and do things

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