
Personal Worldview Inventory : Spirituality

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Personal Worldview Inventory
Spirituality is an interdependence of an individual to the religion and religious beliefs, such as, visiting to temple, church and other religious buildings and participating on spiritual activities (praying, meditation, worshiping and donation). In my opinion, spirituality is the way of existing in the society and the world because every human being learn to adjust in the society from their religious beliefs and value systems which are unique among various people. Spirituality helps to find the meaning of different circumstances of the individual’s life, which provides better solution of any problem in their life. Similarly, spirituality explains the human boundaries which promotes the safety and belongingness among various people. Also it is the way of understanding the world and their role in the world.
There are many religion in the world and according to heir religious beliefs, different people have different spiritual beliefs and some of those beliefs are similar and some are completely different, such as , Christian and muslims belief that there is only one god. By contrast, Hindus belief that there are thousands of god and goddesses and each god has unique values and way of worshiping . Siilarly, budhist and hinhus belief on ahimsa( do no harm) while muslims practice slaughtering of animals and they only consume slaughtered meat.
Scientifically it is most important to practice spiritual activities because it increases

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