
Personal Stress Course Analysis

Decent Essays

When I originally enrolled for this course I figured my background knowledge on the subject was extensive enough that I might not learn all that much. With the upcoming completion of my second degree, now in Human Relations, my first being as a registered nurse, stress management has always played a role in my educational career. I did not realize, however, the extent to which stress connects both directly and indirectly to my life. All of the general findings of stress correlate exactly as expected with myself. As a woman, yes my stress relates quite frequently to my body image and social image. These of course are far from the only factor but they absolutely play a significant role. Further to that, as a woman I also have a substantial …show more content…

With the rise in the longevity of how long offspring remain residing at their parents’ home, I am no exception. I have lived almost all years of my life living under my parent’s roof, well fed, clothed, and cadging in bliss. My education was paid for and always accessible, I was encouraged to study whatever my heart desired. I have worked for more than minimum wage since before I was legally an adult, and this is an addition to the financial assistance my family would graciously provide at any moment of need. In addition to that, my family always lived at an upper middle class status. This all benefits me, in not creating an increase in stress levels, and also played a role in allowing me to maintain a higher perceived socioeconomic …show more content…

I did not necessarily realize that such a large portion of the population was affected by such a disease. My father and uncle have both been deeply changed by the potent liquid. My uncle in particular drinks to the point where he is incapable of functioning in any normal circumstances, unable to walk to speak clearly. He has seemingly no control, where he consistently lies, in attempt to hide his drinking. He drinks vodka in water bottles so early as six in the morning every day. He has gotten himself into legal predicaments on numerous occasions, but the harm he has done to his family is what is worst. He has managed to alienate his daughter, his siblings, and myself in the process of his drinking. I cannot speculate the reasoning for his drinking and I cannot say which model is most applicable to his condition but I know that the stresses that have resulted from his behaviors have been ultimately taxing. So much so, his daughter, who was partially raised with my siblings and I, spent weeks in the hospital under observations for depression at suicidal risk. It has taken much support and time to help her recover and return to her original state of

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