
Personal Statement: Stigma Against Mental Health

Decent Essays

In the niagara region 17% of secondary students having seriously considered suicide (Niagara Region Public Health). Stigma against mental health creates barriers for these students who are struggling and I feel that it is a major issue within Niagara that needs action. Stigma against mental health touches everyone regardless of if you are struggling, diagnosed with an illness or have never had an issue or involvement with the world of mental health because chances are you know someone who struggles or you might find yourself struggling one day. Mental heath has the capacity to touch everyone, including myself, so how do we limit the fear and the stigma surrounding mental health? From my own experiences having been diagnosed with borderline personality traits, my biggest personal advice is communication. With the age of technology all around us, many of us have forgotten how to talk to each other. Due to this technology …show more content…

And how do we reach out to children and adults alike about bullying and mental health? Through my experience from participating in Brock’s MedPlus program, a co- curricular program offered to high achieving academics, I can confidently say that Public Health is a key factor in distributing this information and doing so in an effective manner. I strongly believe that education and conversations with individuals and mentors who can empathise with mental health is an effective tool in reducing stigma. The real challenge is sparking an interest and a willingness to listen in these individuals, this comes more easily with a personal connection. Chances are, most of the individuals we want to reach know someone, work with someone, or have seen some of these signs of mental illness within themselves all we have to do is label these behaviours and feelings and ask the right questions. It’s that personal connection of knowing someone that will provide an excellent opportunity for education on mental

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