
Interpersonal Communication: Letter To Becky And Ryan

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Dear Becky and Ryan
It is my understanding that you two are newly married, and was told I was taking a course in Interpersonal Communication and you both are seeking suggestions and advice regarding your relationship. I will share knowledge from my personal life experience both good and bad as well as what I have learned in the course. In this letter I will discuss strategies for listening and recognizing the power of words, how nonverbal and even verbal expressions affect relationships, and how to create a good communication environment. I assure you that this letter will certainly gradual serve as a footprint for the ways and ideas to make your relationship better and enjoyable. I am extremely honored and happy to share some dynamics of interpersonal relationships with you, Becky and Ryan. First, I would like to qualify myself by stating that with the help of my own marriage. I have been married for seven years now. I know a little bit about how to maintain a long-lasting loving healthy relationship. In addition, I will share my knowledge with both of you today and set you on a journey toward a long-lasting, loving, and healthy relationship.
I want to share a little bit of information about myself. I married my husband after a short 19 days of meeting one another. We had friends in common and knew of one another, but had never really talked until one night we all went out and since that day we became inseparable. I am the mother of three wonderful kids ages 14, 8 and 6.

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