I chose to put on my totem pole a elephant, a panther, a turkey, and a paint brush, because I believe they represent me, and they symbolise who I am. The elephant represents Strength, power, affection, loyalty, royalty, and wisdom. I am strong and I try to help people like when I carry things that my parents can’t and when my brother broke his leg I carried everything for him. I also represent wisdom when I say things about the world that not many people my age know, and when I can think deeply about things that other people can't understand. Like when I talked about the show “Cosmos” with my friend Jack in Fifth grade. Another animal I chose to represent me was the panther. The panther represents protection, hidden emotions, Introspection,
Not surprisingly, elephants are known for being more emotional and empathetic animals than the rest. According the three articles, “Elephants Can Lend a Helping Trunk”, “Elephants Know When They Need a Helping Trunk in a Cooperative Task”, and “Elephants Console Each Other” elephants understand when they need each other’s assistance. All two authors describe the studies of elephant behavior differently, but with a similar purpose.
“Don’t try nothin’ cause I got a razor here sharp enough to cut a week into nine days!” Lemon Brown says in the story “The treasure of Lemon Brown” Lemon Brown, homeless and poverty-stricken, lives in an old tenant building. On a rainy day he comes upon a young man named Greg Ridley whose dream is to play on the scorpions a, prestigious basketball team. Mr. Brown son died in the war breaking his heart. He explains that every man has a treasure.
The fifth item on my totem pole is an adorable mammal. It’s a dolphin! I chose a dolphin because they are a lot similar to humans. To me, dolphins represent my joy and happiness every day. To elaborate, dolphins and I are extremely friendly and cheerful. We both will support our family and friends with anything.Dolphins and human both care about everyone very much and nothing will stop us from doing
Taking place in Burma, 1936, George Orwell’s memoir “Shooting an Elephant” explains why Orwell’s job was a disgrace to him. Because of Orwell being British, he was hated, targeted, insulted, and under pressure. Orwell was “all for the Burmese and all against their oppressor, the British.” He has a bitterness of feeling toward being the colonial policeman and the town’s people who tried to make his job “impossible.”
In the essay, Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell illustrates his experiences as a British police officer in Lower Burma, and reflects it to the nature of imperialism. Since “anti-European feeling was very bitter” due to the British Empire’s dictatorship in Burma, Orwell is being treated disrespectfully by the Burmese (12). This allows him to hate his job and the British Empire. However, the incident of shooting of an elephant gives him a “better glimpse … of the real nature of imperialism – the real motives for which despotic government act” (13). Through his life experiences as a British man, Orwell efficiently demonstrates the negative effects of imperialism on individuals and society.
To belong to a group means to be a part of the group. However, to fit in a group means to be accepted by the people in the group. People join a specific group because of who they are. They join a group that has similar ideals, beliefs and characteristics to their own. The group then somewhat defines them and they usually end up doing things similar to the group.
Have you ever wondered how the elephants in the circus do amazing tricks for the audience’s amusement? The truth is that the elephants are trained and tortured for them to do stunts. They are taken from their families at a young age and get trained to be ready for the main show. The trainers used bull hooks to “train” the animals to do tricks on their head, legs, etc. This torture breaks the animal’s spirit and sometimes it kills the elephant. Have you ever wondered how animals in movies preform? The animals in movies are sometimes forced to do actions they don’t like to do. In “A Dog’s Purpose” a German Shepard was forced into turbulent water for a scene in the movie. The dog was terrified of going into the water and the person holding the
“Asian elephants use touch and sound to console other elephants in distress, according to a new study.It's the first study to confirm that elephants comfort one another in difficult times, the researchers said. Along with humans, this type of behavior has been verified only in great apes, canines and a family of birds called corvids, which includes crows, ravens and blue jays.(source A)” Furthermore in articles “Elephants Console Each Other in Distress: Study” by Emory University, “Elephants Can Lend a Helping Trunk” by Virginia Morrell, and “Elephants Know when they need a helping trunk in a cooperative task” by Josh Plotnik they explain how elephants react when they need assistance or are in mental distress.It has been verified that elephants know when
For my first totem animal, I have chosen the deer. I chose this animal because I am quiet when I am around people I don’t know. Also, the deer is said to be helpful and not knowingly hurt anything, well, I try to be helpful and I don’t try to hurt anybody that I care about. I am different from the deer because deer are said to be uncaring about what people say to try to convince them to do something, but I usually listen to people that I trust like my friends if they say
My life so far has been full of ups and downs, but because I am determined person, I still haven't given up yet. Today, my totem pole will be consistent of one animals and one symbol that has a significant in my life. The animal I have chosen is a Miniature pigs. Miniature Pig's likes to relax, play, eat, and sleep, and they are also known as one of the smartest domestic animal. To begin, this animal represents my past because it's chubby, little, and smart. In addition, people would often time squeeze my cheeks because I was chubby, and they would tell me I was cute and smart.However, Miniature pigs still represent my present self today even though I am not that chubby because I still enjoy eating, relaxing, and being playful. For instance, when I go home from school, the first thing I do is eat, and then I just
The first thing that jumps out is the tuba placed where the elephant’s head should be. It looks very out of place, this big, brass, instrument. The only detail that stands out as different from a normal elephant is that ridiculously harsh-looking tuba. In place of a tusk is the mouthpiece. Why does this elephant only have one tusk? There are two more elephants in the background that also have tuba heads, but these don’t stick out as prominently as the one in front.
I liken it to a train wreck , horrible to see yet hard to look away.
Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering what your animal totem is:
Did you know that elephants can use different tools and understand the human body language? These skills can help elephants go through experiments in order to get a treat. The elephants needs cooperation skills in order to pull a rope at the same time with another elephant, and that allows them to get the treat. Each piece of writing and the video presents the idea of the experiment differently. In addition, all of the tones in each piece is very different, and that affects the way each piece explains the experiment. Within the article, passage, and video, each explains the test the elephants went through in different ways and tones.
Roman medicine was greatly influenced by earlier Greek medical practice and literature but also made its own unique contribution to the history of medicine through the work of such famous experts like Galen. Whilst there were professional doctors attached to the Roman army, for the rest of the population medicine remained a private affair. Nevertheless, many large Roman households had their own medical specialist amongst their staff and with the spread of literature on the topic, access to medical knowledge became ever wider, treatments became more well known, and surgery became more sophisticated.