The port of Shanghai spanning over 1,000 years, was where the Ming’s naval expeditions were launched and was place of hectic trading, where fortunes were made and lost. My parents are both civil engineers and my childhood was spent on this unique river and Deepwater port, witnessing the harbour sweep into a grandiose showpiece of a booming economy. I watched basic structures integrated piece by piece and eventually form spectacular architectures.
Time spent in wonderment propelled me to join structural contest throughout middle school, where we analysed the load-bearing of structures and built the most reliable “building” out of paper boards. In high school, I learnt Integrated Circuit Design and started programming. In fact, I found
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We used D3.js to implement Chord Diagram, Parallel Coordinate, and also visualized the route of a mobile robot patrolling the building. Though there were hundreds of HVAC attributes, I suggested using PCA to reduce the dimensionality before visualizing the data, which turned out to solve the problem of visual clutter. By visualizing these data, employee behavior was displayed as a trend with abnormal events illustrated from the dataset.
HealthViz was another visualization system that I built in Yelp Dataset Challenge, by which I won the first prize at Hackathon UST. This was the first time that Yelp Dataset Challenge provided image data and corresponding labels. However, I recognized there was a mismatch between the imageID and textInfoID. In order to solve this, I crawled the image data online, manually labeled health index on thousands of them, and applied data augmentation and CNN to construct a health index for each restaurant. I also applied a Recurrent Neural Network, more specifically LSTM, on the review text, which is around 5 gigabytes, to compute sentiment score for each restaurant. With the aid of cloud computing tool Spark, we were able to finish the task very efficiently. The final visualization system included a map view that embedded a Heatmap of averaged health index across the US, a Wordle that visualize the most frequent
First let me introduce myself, I’m Patrice Holmes founder and CEO of the A New Day Foundation. It was a pleasure meeting and speaking with you at the recent community event that you hosted in July. A New Day Foundation will be hosting our Annual Kidney Awareness Dinner this coming November, It would be a great pleasure to have as our special guest speaker this year. I would personally appreciate having you share some of your own a personal experiences throughout your own personal journey. I started A New Day Foundation some 10 years ago after my sister was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Failure. My goals then and now are not only to help those who suffer with Renal Failure but to focus on supporting the children of
I am Andrew Soebagio, from Indonesia. I’ve been a student at North for about a year and a half now. I’m planning to graduate from North this upcoming fall, with an AS degree. A major that I have in mind is Petroleum Engineering; hopefully this plan will stick with me till I graduate.
I have an diligent passion for assisting and supporting others of different cultures and heritages. I have volunteered on countless community and school events during the past two years. Currently, I contain more than 120 hours of community service and school service. In my school, New Tech High, we have a graduation requirement where the student must have completed 20 hours of community service and 10 hours of school service. I have exceeded my school hours by 50 hours and a half, while I overly exceeded my community hours by more than 71 hours. This has affected my outlook by providing me more opportunities as well as being noticed by the community. Currently,in my senior year, I have been helping coordinate event opportunities for the students
Throughout my high school career, I have found many quotes that inspire me to continue to succeed, but one specific quote by Aristotle struck me in forms I had never fathomed of; Aristotle had once said, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” This quote had influenced my perception of work ethic as I then understood that in order to excel in an endeavor, it was a continual development of character and the simultaneous choice I had of whether to choose excellence or to slack on my work.
Throughout my life, my father instilled toughness and a will to succeed that I have carried throughout the years. I always pushed myself to prove others wrong. I am very competitive and transitioned that fire into my work. When I first entered into the bar business, I was just a bartender, in three years I became owner/manager and I had one of the most successful nightclubs in North Omaha. Soon, I got tired of the nightlife and I began the shift to prepare myself for a new profession.
I am Shradha Pandey from Kathmandu, Nepal. The conventional way of teaching, taking teaching just as a daily routine and monotony in teaching behaviors have lead me to come to the United States from Nepal to pursue nursing education. My initial goal was achieved upon completion of my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Truman State University (TSU) in May 2011. My strong desire to learn more about the prevention of diseases, health education and promotion of healthy lifestyle was made possible by acceptance in the Masters in Public Health (MPH) program with graduate assistantship at Louisiana State University in Shreveport (LSUS) and Louisiana State University Health Shreveport (LSUHSCS). I completed my MPH degree in May 2014. Subsequently, after my undergraduate and graduate studies, I endeavor to pursue my graduate studies in Masters of Science in Nursing with Family Nurse Practitioner concentration (MSN-FNP) at James Madison University (JMU) and will provide me more autonomy in
The research proposal can be developed from the topic of big data to match up the demands of enormous data flow in the dynamic world. Data visualization tools at significant cost can help up in analytics of big data and can form an innovative research proposal for analysis and extensive research. The real time data and the use of techniques of big data in this domain can form an excellent topic of research calling for formulating methodologies and strategies to tap the untapped potential of this field and to experiment more in the field of research.
Meanwhile, data sharing is a large part of Boston’s efforts to improve the quality of life for their residents. And the City of Boston eagers to improve BAR from a data collection effort to a citywide performance management system accessible in real-time from any device. Big data provides an unprecedented opportunity to deliver improved services. It is a good chance to analyze large data sets, find the value of data and tell the story of the City of Boston in new way.
My first recollection of paid employment was as a paperboy. I remember walking my neighborhood saving money to purchase a bike, with the intention of accelerating my work hours and allowing for an efficient work model. During high school I worked as a counselor at the town summer camp. My work experiences paled in comparison to my peers, as I was absorbed in athletics and most specifically soccer. In retrospect I regret not seeking various forms of employment during my teenage years as I feel that I would have developed a positive identity of work.
As a former Health Psychology MSc student who currently volunteers in and works with the elderly, I feel this post fits my strengths and interests. I have a strong interest in how sensory stimuli can enhance the quality of life for those with sensory impairments, especially for children and older adults. It is important that when approaching any demographic that I’m able adopt a humanistic holistic approach. I believe it is essential to understand the social structures around each patient. For example, how families cope with the impairments and the proposed course of treatment. It is for this reason that I would feel comfortable working in a multidisciplinary team, a structure that with excellent communication skills can provide the most encompassing thorough intervention for their patients.
One of the reason why I believe that my degree will benefit from Morgan state university is the Business platform that it works with . I can use my degree to better my career and also use my business to advance in the baltimore area .
My family are immigrants from Russia and came to America to give my brothers and myself the opportunity of education and having a better quality of life. I am the first child to attend college in America. I have had a lot of struggles and hoops that I’ve had to jump through to be able to even attend college in the first place and continue to attend as well. Working long hours after classes, having to take out large loans, living off campus, and setting aside all of my money that I make to buy a car are everyday struggles. But those struggles don’t deter me from my final goal that I have set in my mind. I have a passion for learning and nothing in the world could strip me of that. “Take on Your World” is meaningful to me because it represents
This letter includes details of my personal background, career objectives and personal evaluation relevant to the application for a Master’s of Social Work. As part of this letter, I will include personal life experiences that I consider the key characteristics of my life that have defined my character and have shaped my values and beliefs. Furthermore, I will relate my career goals and the reasons why I consider that I would be an effective clinical social work student and discuss what makes me ready for graduate school. I will my weakness and strengths. In addition, I will explain why I believe that Widener University is the best fit for me and why I am a suitable fit for Widener University.
Shanghai offers an eclectic range of scenes including but not limited to those with large influences from western cultures. The Bund has become the most iconic feature of the city that fits this description and ranks at the around the top of the list for must see places for the whole country. Currently, its peculiar architecture entices tourists from all over the world for sightseeing, shopping, and adventure. In less than a century from the mid 1800’s to the mid 1900s, the area along the Huangpu River has changed in a dramatic but gradual fashion logistically, culturally, economically, and architecturally. What was once just a small-port center soon would transform into a global metropolitan attraction. When the harbor finally opened to international trade in 1843 with the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, there was no special infrastructure for junks and sampans (the boats used at that time). It was only on the eastern gate was there some kind of embankment for ships; otherwise the riverbank was just used as it was. This all would soon change, as the foreign enclaves would slowly modernize the Bund. However during the first few decades of Shanghai’s international influence it did not seem like the Bund would turn into a famous international icon anytime soon. In the following paragraphs are small but noteworthy glimpses into each foreign enclave over this time period.In the English Settlement the land regulations that were approved by the Chinese authorities prohibited
Growing up in a business-oriented household consisted of being exposed to, and witnessing talks of business management — be it at in-house parties or out at dinners — from a very young age, which I believe has impacted my upbringing and passions to a great extent. Along with a substantial inclination towards Business Management, I also had a keen interest in the field of Accounting, which I became more aware of at the age of around nine. Most kids resent going to the bank with their fathers, however, for me, it was always a source of amusement and gratification. As a child, I would witness my father give cash to the banker and/or vice versa, which would leave me to ponder about what exactly was going on. This eagerness to have the know-how of money and what goes behind it made me discover my true passion.