
Personal Statement : My Family

Decent Essays

My Home Friends are like family that you are able to choose. I never understood the truth that statement held until i met the group of people I now consider to be my best friends. For years i spent a lot of time by myself. Most of my friends were acquaintances that I only spoke to at school. As a nervous fourteen year old, high school was a lot of things in my head. Most of all it seemed lonely. My biggest fear was being all alone. Little did I know that I would acquire a bunch of loud goofballs to keep me company. My friends have become my home away from home and knowing them has changed me for the better. I suppose my family” began with Justene Whitehead. Justene was beautiful even in seventh grade. To this day i am envious of her unique style. That girl always looks chic. We grew very close our freshmen year of high school. We were both in City Lights show choir. Justene was the only person I knew and our friendship grew very quickly. We spent a lot of our show choir class time trying not to laugh at each other 's facial expressions in the mirrors of the choir room. She introduced me to many different people and taught me that it was okay to put myself out there and have fun. My sophomore year consisted of many new characters. The first was a tall, lanky boy with big hair. His name was Cole Nix. I adored him the moment we met. Cole is a constantly changing human being. He is always growing and becoming more smart and funny then me. Early on in our friendship, Cole and

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