
Personal Statement: My Experience At Frontenac High School

Satisfactory Essays

When I arrived at Frontenac High School today for my internship, I found out that Mr. Buzard was sick. He had left the substitute teacher with what the students should be working on for the class. I was able to help the students with their assignment today. It was the first day that I have actually felt like a teacher. The substitute teacher today was a retired English teacher, so she told the students she wouldn't be able to help them with their calculus assignment. The students had the whole class time to work on the two assignments Mr. Buzard had left for them. I noticed that the substitute teacher didn't like the fact that the students were very chatty in this class. She attempted to get them to be quiet, but it didn't work. I told her that normally they are allowed to talk while working. The substitute teacher even tried to bribe the students by telling them they could have a piece of candy if they would work quietly. It worked for a while. I don't feel this was the best way to get the students to work quietly on the assignment since they are seniors in high school. I think that if it had been a younger group of students, it would have been more effective. I also think that in general, it is difficult for a substitute teacher to gain control of the class since most students already feel like they can have a free day when the teacher is gone.
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I walked around the room to help them and keep them on task. One student was struggling on finding the asymptote of an equation. He had graphed the equation and knew it had a slant asymptote, but didn't know how to find it. I told the student he needed to use long division to figure it out. I decided to do an example on the board for all of the students since the others said they didn't remember how to do that. One student in the class who did remember how to find these helped his classmates, which I thought was very

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