
Personal Statement : My Admission To Morehead State University

Decent Essays

Although my rejection to Morehead State University was no surprise, due to my previous college standings, I was highly disappointed. In hopes of a better outcome after sending my final transcripts for the spring term of 2017, I shortly received my news of rejection.
Although I respect the decision of my rejection to the university, I am presenting you with this appeal in hopes of your reconsideration of my application.
I am interested in pursuing my college career at MSU for many reasons. I want to go above and beyond in everything I do, especially when it comes to main focus of obtaining my college degree. Morehead State, of all the other schools that were included in my search, looks to be the best when it comes to achieving more …show more content…

Being in an environment where I felt like I stood alone really changed the way I looked at myself and had a big impact on my education. MSU has already proved to me that they will do nothing but accept me with open arms, and stand beside me to help show what I am truly capable of. A second factor would be all of the different relationships I will build. As it is important to meet other students and build those relationships personally, I also believe that a healthy relationship with my advisor, and all of my professors will make me feel much more comfortable and help to push myself to do my very best. Finally, hope to experience all of the long term affects MSU will bring to my life, even after college. I want to look back and see how far I came, be proud of where I stand and I would love to have Morehead State be one of most important reasons why.
To prepare myself for this new chapter in my life, I have taken many steps to help prepare myself for the fall of 2017 at Morehead State. In the spring of 2017, I chose to transfer to a community college to help improve my grades and my GPA. (Seeing it went from a 1.3 to a 2.6). I have talked with advisors that have helped to map out the rest of my college career to have me reach my goals. I have researched all courses needed for my intended major of Health and Physical Education. I know which credits I have already earned and which of those credits will successfully transfer over. I have taken a closer look and

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