
Personal Statement For G. Hardy

Decent Essays

Born into the newly introduce The Seventh Malaysia Plan. I have grown up in a time of huge economical upheaval. Surrounded by an-ever changing economic environment, I remember asking my father what exchange rates were. In return, when presented with an analogy of supply and demand that involved an array of animals, little did I appreciate that I had come across the basis for economics. I have since observed Malaysia's rapid development, but also evidence of poor macroeconomic management, such as the lingering presence of corruption - crippling to the country's economic stability. Over the years, my initial childhood curiosity has grown into a passion for economics. As a strong Maths student, I derive great satisfaction from solving problems that initially seem impossible. Representing my school at the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge, as well as the national finals of the Science and Technology …show more content…

An idea from the book that greatly interests me is that a small minority of people are truly good at what they do; only a minority of mathematicians create good mathematics and the majority merely talk about it. Hardy shows his strongest prejudices when he discusses the usefulness of mathematics. His views will certainly be debated forever. I believe that Economics augments Mathematics by providing a rational approach to solving problems in decision-making, allocation, forecasting and evaluation. By integrating all elements, uncertainty will be reduced and forecasting could be done accurately. I find it particularly interesting that oligopolists use game theory to anticipate competitors' actions relative to a sum, comparing the risks and potential benefits of certain business strategies, because this inevitably involves a degree of psychology and philosophy - a testament to the diverse nature of economics, which is beautifully demonstrated by the prisoner's

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