
Personal Statement: Achieving Professional Development Goals Through Mindfulness

Decent Essays

Achieving Professional Development Goals Through Mindfulness Practice
With regards to my professional development goals as a future Occupational Therapist (OT), I aim to increase my capacity for emotional intelligence, as I have found myself gravitating towards improving in this area over the course of several years. As such, Brown (2007) describes a putative association between engaging in mindfulness-based exercises and cultivating components of emotional intelligence—particularly interpersonal skills. In addition, when faced with challenging, conflicting, or emergency situations within my professional practice, I seek to elevate my ability to take on an impartial viewpoint in the moment. In this way, I strive to enhance my facility with making accurate clinical decisions on behalf of clients and other pertinent stakeholders, who may fall under my purview of clinical care. Accordingly, I have come to believe that mindfulness may be utilized as an efficacious tool for increasing one’s ability to engage in unbiased problem solving. It follows that, in incorporating a daily mindfulness practice into my personal life, I …show more content…

In the first example, I attempted to guide my father into a guided nature meditation after explaining the purpose of the exercise and obtaining fully informed consent. I capitalized on prior knowledge of my father’s gravitation towards nature, in order to tailor the meditative experience to his unique interests. Thus, in preparing and packaging a mindfulness meditation for my father, I sought to imbue a deeper level of meaning into the occupation of meditating by integrating nature into the exercise. As such, I endeavoured to apply a client-centred frame of reference—an insight which has direct implications for offering and introducing mindfulness to

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